Equal Opportunity / METIS 

Equal Opportunity / METIS

Equal Opportunity Faculty Representative

2018–2022: Professor Dr. Isabel Dziobek
2014–2017: Professor Dr. Rasha Abdel Rahman
2011–2013: Professor Dr. Dr. Henrik Walter

Equal Opportunity Officer

2017–2023: Annette Winkelmann e-mail
2011–2017: Dr. Anne Löchte


8 December 2022, 14.00–16.00
Annual METIS Lecture
“Data is Not Neutral: Gender and Generalizability in Research Methodology”
Introduction by Dr. Ursula Fuhrich-Grubert, HU Berlin
Registration for Zoom invitation required by Monday 5 December: metis-online@hu-berlin.de
Abstract: For a long time, most human subjects research was performed primarily on white men. This was especially the case for research intended to be generalizable towards everyone. To address this bias, many funding agencies now have policies that require gender equality, by which they mean that women and men should be included in all generalizable research (e.g., drug treatment trials, brain imaging, exercise physiology). However, this bias correction reinforces two problematic ideas: that sex is binary and that sex difference is attributable to biological difference. Policy change that doesn’t address the history and context that led to biased sample populations only exposes bias and doesn’t fix it. So how do we include the variables of sex and gender in a way that allows us to uncover the many ways it can complicate, enhance, and broaden our understanding?And how can we show that there are times when research on women and gender diverse people actually produces the most generalizable findings?
In this year’s METIS Lecture, Professor Kathryn Clancy and Professor Jenny Davis will offer case studies across several disciplines to show how gender and sex are entangled, and enrich scholarly study. They will then suggest several queer feminist interventions into problem definition, data collection, and data interpretation towards a broader recognition of how all data are relevant — not only those that fall within a "normal range" but outliers and even those from excluded categories.

For further equal opportunity and (career) development events, see also under EVENTS or CAREER

Past activities: here (internal link)


The RTG 2386 “Extrospection” and the Berlin School of Mind and Brain are partners in the METIS network.

In the spirit of Metis, the Greek goddess of wise counsel, the site provides advice on how to promote gender equality and family friendliness in academic work environments. It was built by and for DFG-funded research alliances at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Special activities, courses, resources and information may be open to members of the RTG 2386 “Extrospection” and M&B. Some of the offers will be for women scientists only, others will be interesting and available for women and men alike. Public events and lectures are open to all.

See the METIS website and subscribe to the monthly Newsletter: https://www.metis.hu-berlin.de

Course offers for METIS members:
Services for Members | Gender Equality and Family Friendliness in Research Alliances at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (hu-berlin.de)

This page last updated on: 09 November 2022

Contact METIS

Dr. Henrike Vogtländer
Tel.: +49 (30) 2093-⁠12836

Büro der zentralen Frauenbeauftragten
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin