Grants for conference travel, lab visits, exchange
The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) has several programs offering travel grants and stipends to young researchers. Grants and stipends are aiming at facilitating mobility and scientific exchange and provide scientists early in their career an opportunity to attend FENS meetings, FENS training courses and schools.
NENS exchange grants
These stipends of the Network of European Neuroscience Schools (NENS) are intended for Master and doctoral students registered within NENS member schools or programs. The Berlin School of Mind and Brain is a NENS member.
Applicants are expected to spend a period of one to three months at a NENS member school of their choice in a different European country for the purpose of methodological training.
Stipends cover travel and accommodation costs of up to 3,000 EUR.
Application deadlines: 15 April and 15 October