Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin
In cooperation with:
Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité
Ruine des ehemaligen Rudolf-Virchow-Hörsaales
(Ruin of the Rudolf Virchow Lecture Hall)
Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité
Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin
Contact: Jan Georg Söffner
The conference is open to all!
Further information: See program below or download pdf (21 kb) or visit:
for schedule and further information.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
9:30 Conference Opening
Sabine Flach (ZfL), Arno Villringer (School of Mind and Brain), Ryan Cordell (Charité), Jan Söffner (ZfL)
10:00 Phenomenologies of Cognition
Chair: Jörg Fingerhut
Alva Noë (Berkeley): The Aesthetics of Cognition
Marc Jeannerod (Lyon): Action, Body and Consciousness
David Freedberg (New York): Painting and the Other Side of Consciousness
12:00 Lunch Break
13:00 Twilight Zones
Chair: Thomas Eller
Daniel Margulies/Felicity Callard (Berlin/London): The Subject at Rest
Jan Slaby (Marburg): A Proposal for the Study of (Existential) Feelings: The Case of Boredom
14:30 Coffee Break
15:00 Holger Schulze (Berlin) The Generativity of Boredom: Morton Feldman, Aphex Twin and Einstürzende Neubauten
Sabine Flach (Berlin): On Twilight
16:30 Coffee Break
17:00 Disruptions
Chair: Uta Kornmeier
Steffen Schneider (Tübingen): Texts on Drugs: Towards a Phenomenology and Epistemology of Literary Intoxication
Kirsten Kramer (Erlangen): Phantasms of the Mind. On Memory and Dream Perception in Early Modern Poetry
Pierre Cassou-Noguès (Lille): Plural Minds and Turing Machines
19:30 Enception – An International Photo Exhibition organized by Ryan Cordell
Thomas Schnalke, Sabine Flach, Ulrich Dirnagl
Friday, 20 November
10:00 Habituations
Chair: Sabine Flach
Warren Neidich (Berlin): Neuropower
Isabelle Moffat (Berlin): Neuroplasticity avant la lettre
Hans-Christian von Herrmann (Jena): A Setting of Frameworks and Attitudes: Aleksej Gastev's Conception of Proletarian Culture
12:00 Lunch Break
13:30 Cognitive Mediations
Chair: Martin Treml
Harold Schweizer (Bucknell): Writing in the Shade: A Meditation on Tone
Jan Söffner (Berlin): What Is It Like to Be With Bats? Some Thoughts on Jean Painlevé
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 Michael Pauen (Berlin): Beyond Consciousness: The Other Side of Social Cognition
Sigrid Weigel (Berlin): Compassio: A Christian Pathos Formula and the corpus communis
17:00 Coffee Break
17:30 Modern Brains
Chair: Margarete Vöhringer
Yvonne Wübben (Berlin): Accommodation: Peripheral Response in Late Ninetheenth-Century Physiology
Jörg Thomas Richter (Berlin): Semblant Experimentation: On James Mark Baldwin's Genetic Aesthetics
19:30 Art Presentation: Brain Study
Julian Klein
Saturday, 21 November
9:30 Modern Souls
Chair: Justus Fetscher
Ilit Ferber (Tel Aviv): The Painless Wound: Freud on Aphasia
Gerhard Scharbert (Berlin): Cognitio animi experimentalis – Intoxication, Hallucination, Imagination, and Modernity
Fabienne Liptay (München): The Limits of Control: Understanding Cinema Beyond Signs and Meanings
11:30 Coffee Break
12:00 Flows of Meaning – Flows without Meanings
Chair: Ryan Cordell (Berlin)
Ida Momennejad (Berlin): Remembering the Future with a Brain: On Intending What Is Not Done Yet
Armin Schäfer (Berlin): Interruptions. Stories of the Falling Sickness
Cornelia Müller (Frankfurt/Oder): Cognition and Emotion Embodied in the Flow of Discourse
14:00 Lunch Break
15:00 Artistic Interplays
Chair: Suzanne Anker
Nico de Olivera & Nicola Oxley (London): We Were Never Being Boring: Between Concentration and Inattention
Cornelius Borck (Lübeck): Surfing On the Sea of Brain Waves: The EEG in Art Practice
Julian Klein (Berlin): The Other Side of the Frame: Artistic Experience as Felt Cognition
17:00 Conference Closing
See also:
Habitus in Habitat I: Emotion and Motion (concept and program of the first conference in the series), 9–12 July 2009
Habitus in Habitat III: Synesthesia and Kinaestethics (concept and program of the third conference in the series), 23–24 October 2010