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Research Area
Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Neurocognitive psychology; language, semantic memory, perception
Function Professor in Neurocognitive Psychology
Current status Faculty
Research area Neurocognitive psychology; language, semantic memory, perception

In our research we use neuroscientific methods to investigate basic cognitive processes, with a special interest in the multifaceted aspects of semantic processing. We focus on language production, the interface between vision, semantics and language, the functional organisation of semantic memory, attentional, emotional and semantic influences on visual perception, face and object perception, and mental imagery.

M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 3: Language
Topic 6: Social cognition / human sociality and the brain
Institute Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Phone +49 30 2093-9413
Email rasha.abdel.rahman@hu-berlin.de
Homepage http://www.psychologie.hu-berlin.de/mitarbeiter/1680066
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rasha_Abdel_Rahman
Academia.edu https://independent.academia.edu/RahmanRasha
Klinik für Psychiatrie, CCM, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik der Charité im St. Hedwig-Krankenhaus
Cognitive and affective neuroscience
Function Head physician, Charité Psychiatric Clinic of St. Hedwig Hospital
Current status Faculty
Research area Cognitive and affective neuroscience
Description My research projects focus on modulation of emotions and self-referential processing. I am studying healthy subjects and patients with affective disorders (depression, bipolar disorder) and substance use disorders using neuroimaging methods. My clinical interest is in the therapy of patients with treatment-resistent major depression as well as patients with borderline personality disorder and comorbid substance use disorder.
M&B topics Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Klinik für Psychiatrie, CCM, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik der Charité im St. Hedwig-Krankenhaus
Phone +49 30 2311-2904
Email felix.bermpohl@charite.de
Homepage http://psy-ccm.charite.de/forschung/affektive_erkrankungen/ag_affektive_stoerungen/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Felix_Bermpohl
Freie Universität Berlin
Somatosensory processing, conscious and unconscious perception
Function Leiter
Current status Faculty
Research area Somatosensory processing, conscious and unconscious perception
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Institute Freie Universität Berlin
Phone +49 30 838-55738
Email felix.blankenburg@fu-berlin.de
Homepage http://www.ewi-psy.fu-berlin.de/einrichtungen/arbeitsbereiche/neurocom_neuroimag/team/f_blankenburg/index.html
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Felix_Blankenburg
Klinik für Neurologie CCM, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Cognitive neuroscience and neurophysiology
Function Senior Consultant
Current status
Research area Cognitive neuroscience and neurophysiology
Description The “Vision and Motor System Research Group” (VMSRG) is devoted to basic experimental as well as clinical research on the field of cognitive neurology and clinical neurophysiology of the visual and the motor system. Our principal goal is to apply novel findings from cognitive and psychophysiological research to current challenges in clinical neurology. In so doing we aim at contributing to improved diagnostic and therapeutical strategies for disorders of the visual and the motor system. Thus, we employ a rich interdisciplinary methodological repertoire to address the physiological complexity of the visual and the motor system and their interactions: We combine psychophysics (reaction time tasks, eye movement tracking, threshold estimation) and psychophysiological measures, e.g. obtained by electroencephalography (EEG) or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), with modern innovations in transcranial brain stimulation. This includes our successful application of navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (nTMS), transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS).
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Klinik für Neurologie CCM, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Phone +49 30 450-560111
Email stephan.brandt@charite.de
Homepage http://neurologie.charite.de/en/research/working_groups/vision_motor_system_group/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Academia.edu https://independent.academia.edu/BrandtStephan
Department of Psychology, HU Berlin, and Ghent University
Social neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, social cognition, human volition, neuroimaging, virtual reality
Function Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience
Current status Fuill Professor
Research area Social neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, social cognition, human volition, neuroimaging, virtual reality
Description The research group ‘Social Intelligence’ investigates the neuro-cognitive mechanisms underlying our ability to successfully navigate our social environment. We investigate dyadic interactions but also how the individual acts in groups. Furthermore, we study intentional control of behaviour and how high-level beliefs influence behaviour. Methodologically, we apply the whole range of neuroscientific methods such as mental chronometry, EEG and fMRI. Finally, we use virtual reality to investigate social processes.
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 6: Social cognition / human sociality and the brain
Institute Department of Psychology, HU Berlin, and Ghent University
Phone +49 30 2093-89773
Email marcel.brass@hu-berlin.de
Homepage https://social-intelligence-group.github.io/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marcel-Brass
Institut für Biologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin & Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience
Function Research Group Leader
Current status
Research area Neurophysiology
Description Our research group analyses cellular mechanisms underlying sensorimotor integration. The model system we focus on is the active touch / vibrissal system of mammals. We pursue research questions from a strictly systemic, neuroethological perspective. We pose a wide range of questions to understand better the systemic performance of active touch mediated by the vibrissae. We therefore investigate multiple brain structures and our investigations range from intracellular recordings to the analysis of behavioral performance.
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Institute Institut für Biologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin & Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience
Phone +49 30 2093-6772
Email michael.brecht@bccn-berlin.de
Homepage http://www.activetouch.de/index.php?id=13
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michael_Brecht
Academia.edu https://independent.academia.edu/MichaelBrecht
Charité University Medicine, Medical Psychology
Developmental programming of health and disease; Intrauterine stress exposure; Neurodevelopment
Function Professor
Current status Faculty member
Research area Developmental programming of health and disease; Intrauterine stress exposure; Neurodevelopment
Description My research focus is on developmental programming of health and disease risk, with an emphasis on the effects of stress and stress-related biological (maternal-placental-fetal endocrine, immune, genetic, epigenetic) and behavioral processes during human pregnancy and fetal brain development and risk for psychiatric disorders. To pursue my research questions I am conducting prospective longitudinal studies on pregnant women and their children and apply state-of-the art measures of psychological and biological stress in the mothers during pregnancy and multimodal MR imaging as well as age-appropriate cognitive and behavioral tests in their offspring after birth to track neurodevelopment.
M&B topics Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Charité University Medicine, Medical Psychology
Phone +49 30 450 529224
Email claudia.buss@charite.de
Homepage https://medpsych.charite.de/metas/person/person/address_detail/buss-3/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Department of Education and Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin
Cognitive neuroscience, vision science, neuroimaging, machine learning
Function Group Leader
Current status Faculty member
Research area Cognitive neuroscience, vision science, neuroimaging, machine learning
Description The mission of the ‘Neural dynamics of visual cognition lab‘ is to find out how the brain translates the constant flow of photons hitting the retina into a meaningful percept of the world consisting of objects. For this we use a combination of methods (fMRI, M/EEG, deep neural networks), and analyze data in an integrated framework using multivariate techniques such as machine learning and representational similarity analysis. The lab has an open-minded and international spirit.
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Institute Department of Education and Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin
Email radoslaw.cichy@fu-berlin.de
Homepage http://people.csail.mit.edu/rmcichy/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Klinik für Neurologie und Klinische Neurophysiologie, Berlin Brain-Computer Interface, CBF, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Psychophysiology, brain-computer interface, neurology
Function Head
Current status
Research area Psychophysiology, brain-computer interface, neurology
Description Research Fields. Our group is active in the field of "neurophysics and cognition" in the following major areas: studies on the psychophysiology of motor intention - the 'free will' problem (together with KR Mueller at Fraunhofer FIRST; sensorimotor integration in language production (together with R. Hari at Espoo, Finland); studies on the psychophysiology of music perception (together with G. Neuloh at Neurosurgery of University Bonn); studies on the neurophysiological underpinnings of face recognition (together with the Departments of Psychology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin). Interdisciplinary approach. Our research is focused on the interface between human cortical neurophysiology and the humanities and encompasses a broad range of issues, covering the free will debate of philosophy, including also legal aspects such as 'lie detection', concepts of language production from linguistic psychophysiology, a variant of the nature/nurture dispute as exemplified by conscious versus unconscious processing of music stimuli which are either unknown or overlearned in the Western tonal tradition, and the role of memory and attention in the recognition of human faces as one perceptual key element influencing social interaction in peer groups.
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Institute Klinik für Neurologie und Klinische Neurophysiologie, Berlin Brain-Computer Interface, CBF, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Phone +49 30 8445-2276
Email gabriel.curio@charite.de
Homepage http://neurologie.charite.de/forschung/arbeitsgruppen/neurophysik_gabriel_curio/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Klinik für Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie, CBF, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Essential hypertension, emotions, cognitive and affective coping
Function Professor emeritus
Current status Faculty
Research area Essential hypertension, emotions, cognitive and affective coping
Description Studies on cardiovascular stress reactivity in normal controls, healthy volunteers at risk and patients with hypertension. Research on startle modulation. Studies with the International affective picture system (IAPS).
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Klinik für Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie, CBF, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Phone +49 30 8445-3996
Email deter@charite.de
Homepage http://www.charite.de/psychosomatik-cbf/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hans_Deter
Experimentelle Neurologie, CCM, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Regulation of cerebral blood flow and metabolism, cerebral ischemia
Function Director, Center for Stroke Research; Director, Dept. of Experimental Neurology
Current status
Research area Regulation of cerebral blood flow and metabolism, cerebral ischemia
Description My research is focused on stroke, cerebral blood flow regulation, and brain imaging. We explore mechanisms by which brain ischemia leads to cell death, and develop novel methods to intercept mechanisms of damage in acute brain damage, as well as to foster regeneration and repair of the lesions. In clinical trials we validate our experimental findings and test the bedside efficacy of therapeutic strategies developed at the bench. Closely linked to the interest in stroke pathophysiology, which is caused by a focal reduction in blood flow to the brain, is our interest in the mechanisms that couple regional blood flow to neuronal acitivity, a mechanisms that is underlying functional brain imaging with MR and PET.
M&B topics Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Experimentelle Neurologie, CCM, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Phone +49 30 450-560134
Email ulrich.dirnagl@charite.de
Homepage http://expneuro.charite.de/en/people/cv_prof_dr_dirnagl/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ulrich_Dirnagl
Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Clinical affective neuroscience, social cognition
Function Professor for Clinical Psychology of Social Interaction
Current status Faculty
Research area Clinical affective neuroscience, social cognition
Description My interests and my work lie in the field of social cognitive and affective neuroscience, focussing on empathy, emotion recognition, and theory of mind processes. I have been conducting studies in clinical populations involving social cognitive impairments such as autism and personality disorders. The methods I have been using encompass test development, structural and functional MRI, eye tracking and skin conductance measures. My group: www.psychologie.hu-berlin.de/de/prof/soccog
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Topic 6: Social cognition / human sociality and the brain
Institute Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Email isabel.dziobek@hu-berlin.de
Homepage https://www.psychologie.hu-berlin.de/de/mitarbeiter/1687995
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Isabel_Dziobek
Academia.edu https://fu-berlin.academia.edu/IsabelDziobek
Klinik für Neurologie, CCM, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Stroke research
Function Director, Clinic for Neurology; Academic Director, Center for Stroke Research Berlin (CSB)
Current status
Research area Stroke research
Description We are studying mechanisms and long-term outcome of focal brain ischemia. A particular interest within the scope of the Mind and Brain Graduate School are long-term functional and emotional changes following stroke including post-stroke depression and anhedonia. We are studying the neurobiological basis of these emotional disturbances and potential therapeutic approaches.
M&B topics Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Klinik für Neurologie, CCM, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Phone +40 30 450-560102
Email matthias.endres@charite.de
Homepage http://neurologie.charite.de/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Department of Neurology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Cognition in neurological disorders, memory disorders, neuroimaging
Function Junior Professor for Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience
Current status Faculty member
Research area Cognition in neurological disorders, memory disorders, neuroimaging
Description Our group investigates the clinical and cognitive neuroscience of memory and memory disorders. We study patients with diseases affecting the medial temporal lobes, including hippocampal sclerosis, surgical resections, viral encephalitis (e.g., herpes encephalitis) and autoimmune encephalitis (e.g., NMDA receptor encephalitis) using behavioral testing and structural and functional MRI. This research aims to elucidate the pathophysiology of memory disorders and to develop imaging biomarkers for diagnosis and evaluation of prognosis in these diseases. Our further interests include compensatory reorganization processes following damage to the medial temporal lobes, the organization of musical memory in healthy subjects and patents with memory disorders and cognitive deficits associated with autoimmunity in tumor patients.
M&B topics Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Department of Neurology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Phone +49 30 450560216
Email carsten.finke@charite.de
Homepage http://neurologie.charite.de/en/research/working_groups/brain_behavior//
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Carsten_Finke
Academia.edu https://charite.academia.edu/CarstenFinke
Department Psychology, University of Potsdam
Embodied cognition
Function Leader, Division of Cognitive Sciences
Current status
Research area Embodied cognition
Description The Potsdam Embodied Cognition Group (PECoG) studies social motor control with behavioural, kinematic and TMS methods (with Dr. Gianelli). We also investigate numerical cognition and reading from an embodied perspective. Please refer to www.uni-potsdam.de/pecog/
M&B topics Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 6: Social cognition / human sociality and the brain
Institute Department Psychology, University of Potsdam
Phone +49 331-9772914
Email martinf@uni-potsdam.de
Homepage http://www.psych.uni-potsdam.de/people/fischer-m/index-e.html
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Martin_Fischer2
Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Cognitive psychology
Function Professor in Psychology
Current status
Research area Cognitive psychology
Description Our research team is primarily interested in cognitive aspects of human learning. More specifically, we are working on issues that pertain to implicit learning, to learning in a dual-task environment, and to cognitive skill acquisition. In addition, we are studying the cognitive mechanisms that underlie the generation of human consciousness and try to understand the function of consciousness in the control of action.
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 2: Decision-making
Institute Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Phone +49 30 2093-4922
Email peter.frensch@psychologie.hu-berlin.de
Homepage http://www.psychologie.hu-berlin.de/mitarbeiter/57310
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_Frensch
Academia.edu https://independent.academia.edu/PeterFrensch
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Department of Neuropsychology
Neural basis of language, brain basis of language development
Function Director
Current status
Research area Neural basis of language, brain basis of language development

The main goal of our research is to investigate the "how" and "where" of the various subcomponents of language processing in the brain. In order to understand the dynamic organization of the language processor (i.e., the "how"), we use behavioral measures and electrophysiological methods (EEG, MEG). The neuroanatomical organization of language (i.e., the "where") is targeted by the investigation of neurological patients with language disorders and the use of new brain imaging methods such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

M&B topics Topic 3: Language
Institute Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Department of Neuropsychology
Phone +49 341-9940112
Email angelafr@cbs.mpg.de
Homepage http://www.cbs.mpg.de/~friederici
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Academia.edu https://independent.academia.edu/AngelaDFriederici
Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
Adaptive behavior and cognition
Function Director
Current status Faculty
Research area Adaptive behavior and cognition
Description Traditional research on decision-making, including neuroeconomics, is dominated by an unrealistic view of cognition that pictures the mind as a Bayesian optimizer. I study how real people make decisions when information and time are limited, and the future is uncertain. The key questions are (i) what heuristics and evolved capacities are in the adaptive toolbox of a species, (ii) in what tasks does which heuristic succeed, and (iii) how can we design efficient artificial decision algorithms (and environments) based on the results of this research.
M&B topics Topic 2: Decision-making
Institute Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
Phone +49 30 82406-361 /-430
Email sekgigerenzer@mpib-berlin.mpg.de
Homepage http://www.mpib-berlin.mpg.de/en/staff/gerd-gigerenzer
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gerd_Gigerenzer
Academia.edu https://independent.academia.edu/GerdGigerenzer
Charite - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Campus Benjamin Franklin
Neuropsychiatry, Neuroimmunology, Neuroimaging (structural and functional), Molecular biology, Clinical trials
Function Professor
Current status Faculty member
Research area Neuropsychiatry, Neuroimmunology, Neuroimaging (structural and functional), Molecular biology, Clinical trials
Description Our lab is interested in the bi-directional interaction between the immune system and the brain and how this can contribute to the pathogenesis and progression of complex human CNS disorders. In our work, we use (and offer training in) a combination of methods from molecular and cellular immunology, neuroimaging and neuropsychology to study neuroinflammatory and psychiatric disorders. Experimental approaches c
M&B topics Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Topic 6: Social cognition / human sociality and the brain
Institute Charite - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Campus Benjamin Franklin
Email stefan.gold@charite.de
Homepage https://psychiatrie.charite.de/en/research/neuropsychiatry/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stefan_Gold2
Institut für Theoretische Biologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Theoretical and evolutionary biology, game theory, decision processes
Function Professor in Theoretical Biology & Chair of Sonderforschungsbereich 618
Current status
Research area Theoretical and evolutionary biology, game theory, decision processes
Description Research Fields. Our group is active in the fields of theoretical and evolutionary biology, with the following major areas: evolutionary game theory and evolutionary genetics; conflict and cooperation at the level of genes, cells, and organisms; evolution of cognitive and emotional tools for human cooperation; endosymbiont evolution; strategic interactions between parasites and the immune system. Interdisciplinary Approach. A major research area of my theoretical biology group is the study of human evolution. We investigate, how biological and cultural evolution have generated the cognitive and emotional tools for cooperation among non-relatives. We also study theoretical problems in evolutionary medicine - an emerging field that provides new insights on psychopathologies and the concept of ‘illness’. In our work on evolutionary game theory, we systematically explore the links between theories in evolutionary biology, cognitive psychology, and economics.
M&B topics Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Institute Institut für Theoretische Biologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Phone +49 30 2093-9102
Email p.hammerstein@biologie.hu-berlin.de
Homepage https://www.biologie.hu-berlin.de/en/gruppenseiten-en/sfb618/people/hammerstein_peter
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Human cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging, conscious and unconscious processing in perception and action
Function Research Group Leader
Current status
Research area Human cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging, conscious and unconscious processing in perception and action
Description Research Fields: Our group is active in the field of human cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging with the following major areas: functional neuroimaging of the visual and executive systems, the neural basis of awareness and conscious access to sensory information, human brain imaging methods, including functional connectivity and multivariate decoding. Interdisciplinary Approach: My major research focus has been on the neural determinants of conscious and unconscious processing. Research in this field is inherently interdisciplinary and involves collaborations with researchers in cognitive neuroscience, neural modeling and philosophy of mind, as evidenced in the list of publications. My work at the Hanse Institute of Advanced Study has also included the coordination of a large interdisciplinary research and education network in cognitive neuroscience (NeuroNord).
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Institute Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Phone +49 30 2093-6762
Email haynes@bccn-berlin.de
Homepage http://www.bccn-berlin.de/People/home/?contentId=661
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Academia.edu https://independent.academia.edu/JohndylanHaynes
Medical Psychology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Developmental programming of health and disease
Function Director
Current status
Research area Developmental programming of health and disease
Description Early adverse experience, such as childhood abuse, neglect and loss, is a major risk factor for the development of a wide range of psychiatric disorders and certain medical diseases later in life. My research employs a multi-methodological approach to integrate clinical and developmental psychology with methods from functional and structural neuroimaging, neuroendocrinology, immunology, and genetics to elucidate the role of developmental factors in contributing to the psychobiological basis of complex psychiatric and somatic disorders. Results from this research will ultimately lead to improved diagnosis of cases at risk versus resilience, as well as targeted prevention and treatment, through an integrated consideration of early developmental and biological processes.
M&B topics Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Topic 6: Social cognition / human sociality and the brain
Institute Medical Psychology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Phone +49 30 450-529221
Email christine.heim@charite.de
Homepage http://medpsych.charite.de/institut/institutsleitung/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christine_Heim
Klinik für Psychiatrie, CCM, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Monoaminergic dysfunction in psychiatric disorders
Function Director, Chair
Current status
Research area Monoaminergic dysfunction in psychiatric disorders
Description Evolutionary and anthropological concepts in constructs of mental disorders. Transcultural psychiatry. Combination of neurochemical and functional imaging with genetic research and clinical assessment of social stress factors. Genetic and environmental effects on dopaminergic and serotonergic mechanisms of reward expectation and learning and its dysfunction in psychiatric disorders.
M&B topics Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Topic 6: Social cognition / human sociality and the brain
Institute Klinik für Psychiatrie, CCM, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Phone +49 30 450-517002
Email andreas.heinz@charite.de
Homepage http://www.internetandpsychiatry.com/joomla/distinguished-guests/627-andreas-heinz-md.html
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Academia.edu https://independent.academia.edu/AndreasHeinz
Department of Neurology II, Universität Magdeburg
Cognitive control of memory functions; functional, structural, and genetic imaging
Function Director
Current status
Research area Cognitive control of memory functions; functional, structural, and genetic imaging
Description The main focus of research is the cognitive control of human behavior from a neuroscientific perspective. The Center of Advanced Imaging (CAI), an integrated neuroscientific research center for the Department of Neurology II concentrates on investigations of the control of higher brain functions in the following three areas: visual and auditory perception, memory, decision-making and activity control, using multimodal brain imaging techniques. The aim is to identify the neural mechanisms which transform strategies, expectations and convictions into percepts, memory traces, emotions, language and action.
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Department of Neurology II, Universität Magdeburg
Phone +49 391 67-13431
Email hans-jochen.heinze@med.ovgu.de
Homepage http://neuro2.med.uni-magdeburg.de/neurologie/de/ueber_uns/profile/profile.php?account=heinze
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Fachinstitut für Theoretische Biologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Theoretical and systems biology, nonlinear dynamics; animal vocalization, signal transduction
Current status
Research area Theoretical and systems biology, nonlinear dynamics; animal vocalization, signal transduction
Description My group is applying methods from nonlinear dynamics, bioinformatics and theoretical biology to several biomedical problems. Together with experimentalists we study, e.g., the circadian clock, signalling pathways and gene regulation, and biomechanical aspects of voice production. We teach mathematics and statistics for biologists, bioinformatics, data analysis, and mathematical modelling in biomedicine.
M&B topics Topic 3: Language
Institute Fachinstitut für Theoretische Biologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Phone +49 30 2093-9101
Email h.herzel@biologie.hu-berlin.de
Homepage https://www.biologie.hu-berlin.de/en/gruppenseiten-en/sfb618/people/herzel_hanspeter
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hanspeter_Herzel
Department of Psychiatry, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Stress-related disorders, Alzheimer’s dementia, old-age depression
Function Chair: Department of Psychiatry, Campus Benjamin Franklin,, Professor in Psychiatry
Current status
Research area Stress-related disorders, Alzheimer’s dementia, old-age depression
Description The main focus of my work is how a stressful or untoward environment translates into altered brain function and possibly psychological and emotional dysfunction or successful adaptation. Lately, my group and I have been particularly interested in changes of brain-circuitries and somatic complaints in individuals who have developed deficits in emotion-regulation. We use molecular and brain imaging, brain stimulation techniques, genetics and preclinical studies - mostly in rodents - as well as psychological and developmental data to tackle the problem of “acquired” emotional dysregulation. As a board member of the Free University’s Excellence-Cluster Languages of Emotions my group and I have just recently completed a large, multidisciplinary project to further our understanding of alexithymia and other forms of an individuals unability to express emotions.
M&B topics Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Institute Department of Psychiatry, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Phone +49 30 8445-8701
Email katharina.schmalfeld@charite.de
Homepage http://psychiatrie.charite.de/en/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Isabella_Heuser
Institut für Psychologie, Freie Universität Berlin
Neurocognitive psychology
Function Chair, Neurocognitive Science
Current status
Research area Neurocognitive psychology
Description Research Fields. Our group is active in the field of neurocognitive psychology, with the following major areas: psycholinguistics (focus: cross-language word recognition and reading); neurocomputational modeling (focus: word recognition); emotion-cognition coupling and conflict control in memory; neuropsychological disorders (dyslexia, aphasia, neglect). Interdisciplinary Approach. Our research integrates cognitive psychology and neuroscience in several areas with active cooperations with colleagues in (neuro)linguistics, or (neuro)computational modelling. Our experimental approach is multimethodological, integrating techniques from psychophysics and cognitive psychology (reaction times, receiver operating characteristics, oculo- and pupillometry) with neurocognitive methods (EEG, fMRI, artificial neural networks).
M&B topics Topic 3: Language
Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Institute Institut für Psychologie, Freie Universität Berlin
Phone +49 30 838-51277
Email ajacobs@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Homepage http://www.ewi-psy.fu-berlin.de/einrichtungen/arbeitsbereiche/allgpsy/mitarbeiter_innen/ajacobs/index.html
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Arthur_Jacobs
Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
Clinical psychology and neuropsychology
Current status
Research area Clinical psychology and neuropsychology
Description My work has a focus on the neurocognitive basis of psychopathological phenomena. Using neuropsychological, psychophysiological, and brain imaging techniques, we develop models of cognitive and affective functions and their disturbances, e.g. procedural learning deficits in obsessive-compulsive disorder or volitional deficits in schizophrenic disorders. Currently, we also work on the neuronal implementation of action monitoring and control. We have excellent lab facilities on campus Adlershof and several collaborations with research groups at the Charité.
M&B topics Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
Phone +49 30 2093-4903
Email kathmann@rz.hu-berlin.de
Homepage http://www.psychologie.hu-berlin.de/mitarbeiter/1359454
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Norbert_Kathmann
Zelluläre Neurowissenschaften, Max-Delbrück-Centrum, Berlin
Cellular neurosciences
Function Group leader
Current status
Research area Cellular neurosciences

Research Fields. Our group is active in the field of cellular neurosciences, with the following major areas: the role of astrocytes in information processing; the response of microglial cells to brain injury and the cellular properties of gliomas.

M&B topics Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Zelluläre Neurowissenschaften, Max-Delbrück-Centrum, Berlin
Phone +49 30 9406-3325
Email kettenmann@mdc-berlin.de
Homepage https://www.mdc-berlin.de/1157057/en/research/research_teams/cellular_neurosciences
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Helmut_Kettenmann
Institut für Psychologie, Universität Potsdam
Cognitive psychology
Function Professor in Psychology
Current status
Research area Cognitive psychology
Description My research focuses on how the dynamics of language-related, perceptual, and oculomotor processes subserve attentional control, using reading, spatial attention, and working memory tasks as experimental venues; I also examine neural correlates and age-related differences in these processes. This research is carried out in interdisciplinary projects with colleagues from linguistics as well as from theoretical physics and mathematics.
M&B topics Topic 3: Language
Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Institute Institut für Psychologie, Universität Potsdam
Phone +49 331 977-2868
Email kliegl@uni-potsdam.de
Homepage http://www.psych.uni-potsdam.de/people/kliegl/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Reinhold_Kliegl
Academia.edu https://uni-potsdam.academia.edu/ReinholdKliegl
Klinik für Neurologie, CBF, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Neurology, Parkinson’s disease
Function Head, Motor and Cognition Group
Current status
Research area Neurology, Parkinson’s disease
Description I take interest in how cortical and subcortical brain levels interact in order to organize behavior. Addressing principle questions of cortico-centric versus centrencephalic concepts, past and ongoing studies aim to identify basal ganglia and thalamic substrates of mental and motor actions and their coordination with related cortical operations. A further focus is the dependency between cognitive and motor performance under physiological and disease conditions, asking for behavioral determinants beyond conscious control.
M&B topics Topic 3: Language
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Klinik für Neurologie, CBF, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Phone +49 30 8445 2276
Email fabian.klostermann@charite.de
Homepage http://neurologie.charite.de/forschung/arbeitsgruppen/motorik_und_kognition_fabian_klostermann/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Department of Linguistics
Psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, situated language processing across lifespan, eye tracking, event-related brain potentials
Function Professor of German Linguistics: Psycholinguistics
Current status Faculty member
Research area Psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, situated language processing across lifespan, eye tracking, event-related brain potentials
Description The research focus of the group is on real-time context effects in language comprehension across the lifespan (in children, young, and older adults). We examine visual context effects as well as linguistic context effects. We are interested in how rapidly comprehenders can exploit different contextual cues (e.g., using eye tracking or event-related brain potentials) but also in protracted context effects (e.g., as revealed in post-experiment comprehension and memory test scores). Ongoing research efforts consider to which extent and how extra-linguistic context plays a role for learning.
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 3: Language
Institute Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Department of Linguistics
Homepage https://amor.cms.hu-berlin.de/~knoeferp/index.html
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pia_Knoeferle/publications
Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Linguistik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Language, Semantics, Pragmatics, Syntax, Linguistics
Function Professor / Director of ZAS
Current status
Research area Language, Semantics, Pragmatics, Syntax, Linguistics

My main research interest is in the semantics and pragmatics of natural languages. I am particularly interested in the interface between syntax and semantics. Research topics include tense and aspect, mass nouns and count nouns, vagueness and approximation, presuppositions, implicatures and discourse phenomena. I have a regional specification in Bantu and Austronesian languages, but have worked on others as well.

M&B topics Topic 3: Language
Institute Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Linguistik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Phone +49 30 2093-9670
Email krifka@rz.hu-berlin.de
Homepage https://www.linguistik.hu-berlin.de/de/institut/professuren/sprachwissenschaft/mitarbeiter/krifka
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Manfred_Krifka
Academia.edu https://hu-berlin.academia.edu/ManfredKrifka
Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Movement disorders, deep brain stimulation, invasive recording from human basal ganglia, neurophysiology of motor system
Function Consultant Neurologist
Current status
Research area Movement disorders, deep brain stimulation, invasive recording from human basal ganglia, neurophysiology of motor system
Description My work involves: Pathophysiology of movement disorders (Parkinson’s disease, dystonia); mechanism of action of deep brain stimulation in movement disorders and psychiatric diseases (depression, Tourette Syndrome); invasive recording from the human basal ganglia and use of deep brain stimulation as a lesion model to study basal ganglia function and the role of neuronal oscillatory activity in motor and emotional processing; neurophysiology of the motor system (using transcranial magnetic stimulation and EEG) My research focuses on: - Role of oscillatory brain activity for the pathophysiology of movement disorders - Deep brain stimulation: mechanism of action, clinical studies in movement disorders and neuropsychiatric diseases - Role of basal ganglia and cingulate cortex in emotional processing (cooperation with Department of Psychiatry, Malek Bajbouj) - Basal ganglia and decision making (cooperation with Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Hauke Heekeren) - Computational models of basal ganglia - cortex interaction (cooperation with Bernstein Centre for Computational Neuroscience, BCCN, Fred Hamker)
M&B topics Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Phone +49 30 450-560123
Email andrea.kuehn@charite.de
Homepage http://neurologie.charite.de/en/research/working_groups/movement_disorders/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrea_Kuehn2
Center for Lifespan Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
Lifespan cognitive/neurocognitive development
Function Director
Current status
Research area Lifespan cognitive/neurocognitive development
Description Behavioral and neuronal plasticity across the lifespan. Brain-behavior relations across the lifespan. Multivariate developmental methodology. Relations between sensory and cognitive aging
M&B topics Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Institute Center for Lifespan Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
Phone +49 30 82406-572
Email seklindenberger@mpib-berlin.mpg.de
Homepage http://www.mpib-berlin.mpg.de/de/mitarbeiter/ulman-lindenberger
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ulman_Lindenberger
Academia.edu https://mpib-berlin-mpg.academia.edu/ulmanlindenberger
Institut für Biologie - Neurobiologie, Freie Universität Berlin
Associative learning, memory consolidation, neural correlates of associative plasticity at the network level
Function Professor emeritus
Current status Faculty
Research area Associative learning, memory consolidation, neural correlates of associative plasticity at the network level
Description We study the neural basis of learning and memory in an insect, the honeybee. Starting from behavioural analysis we determine neural correlates of associative learning using intracellular, extracellular recordings and Ca imaging. The network properties of associative plasticity are modelled, and predictions are made to guide our experimental approach. We take advantage of the fact that this insect not only learns a whole range of stimuli under natural conditions but also when it is set up for recording and imaging.
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Institute Institut für Biologie - Neurobiologie, Freie Universität Berlin
Phone +49 30 838-53930
Email menzel@neurobiologie.fu-berlin.de
Homepage http://www.neurobiologie.fu-berlin.de/menzel/menzel.html
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Randolf_Menzel
Academia.edu http://independent.academia.edu/RandolfMenzel
Institut für Philosophie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Philosophy of language, philosophy of science, epistemology, metaphysics, ethics
Function Professor in Philosophy
Current status
Research area Philosophy of language, philosophy of science, epistemology, metaphysics, ethics
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 3: Language
Institute Institut für Philosophie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Phone +49 30 2093-2852
Email muelleol@staff.hu-berlin.de
Homepage https://www.philosophie.hu-berlin.de/de/lehrbereiche/natur/mitarbeiter/mueller
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Academia.edu https://hu-berlin.academia.edu/OlafM%C3%BCller
Technische Universität Berlin, Dept. of Software Engineering and Theoretical Computer Science, Machine Learning/Intelligent Data Analysis
Statistical learning theory for neural networks, support vector machines and ensemble learning techniques
Function Head
Current status
Research area Statistical learning theory for neural networks, support vector machines and ensemble learning techniques
Description My research areas include statistical learning theory for neural networks, support vector machines and ensemble learning techniques. My contributions have furthermore covered the field of adaptive signal processing with emphasis on time-series analysis, statistical denoising methods and blind source separation. Application interests are currently focussed on the analysis of biomedical data, in particular on single trial analysis of electro-encephalography (EEG) data, which has most recently led to the successful establishing of the Berlin brain computer interface (jointly with Charité). Furthermore I have contributed to the application of machine learning techniques to genomic data, more precisely to microarray data analysis and to genefinding. Another important application focus is on hacker intrusion detection using machine learning technology for finding previously unseen attacks from network data. The major objective of my research is to pursue research all the way from theory to application. To this end, I am contributing to the generic theoretical development of new and well-founded data analysis and machine learning techniques that can be used in the natural sciences and in industry. At the same time the aim is to contribute to a better understanding and furthering of the underlying scientific question.
M&B topics Topic 2: Decision-making
Institute Technische Universität Berlin, Dept. of Software Engineering and Theoretical Computer Science, Machine Learning/Intelligent Data Analysis
Phone +49 30 314-78620
Email klaus-robert.mueller@tu-berlin.de
Homepage https://www.ml.tu-berlin.de/menue/members/klaus-robert_mueller/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Klaus-Robert_Müller
Institut für Softwaretechnik und Theoretische Informatik, Technische Universität Berlin
Computational neuroscience, machine learning, analysis of neural data
Function Head of the Neural Information Processing Group
Current status
Research area Computational neuroscience, machine learning, analysis of neural data
Description Current research areas are: models of neuronal systems (visual perception, working memory, reward-based learning & decision making) machine learning (inductive learing, pattern recognition, learning on structured data), new methods for the analysis of neuronal and biomedical data (imaging methods, multi-electrode recordings, genetic data).
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Institute Institut für Softwaretechnik und Theoretische Informatik, Technische Universität Berlin
Phone +49 30 314-73442
Email oby@ni.tu-berlin.de
Homepage https://www.ni.tu-berlin.de/menue/members/head_of_research_group/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Academia.edu https://independent.academia.edu/KlausObermayer
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig
Non-invasive optical imaging, Neuroscience, Neurology
Current status
Research area Non-invasive optical imaging, Neuroscience, Neurology
Description Methodologically centred around non-invasive optical techniques my work is grouped around three major issues. Investigating the basis of vascular imaging we address questions concerned with neurovascular coupling. We are interested e.g. in the vascular response to neuronal inhibition. The methodology also is valuable in infant research, where we address issues of language acquisition. Finally stroke research especially bedside monitoring of perfusion is a clinical focus of research.
M&B topics Topic 3: Language
Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig
Phone +49 341 9724-963
Email obrig@cbs.mpg.de
Homepage http://tk.uniklinikum-leipzig.de/tkneuro.site,postext,mitarbeiter,a_id,311.html
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hellmuth_Obrig3
German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke (DIfE); Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
decision making; reward; social neuroscience; body-brain interaction; gut-brain interaction; nutrition; health psychology
Function Professor of Nutritional Neuroscience & Department Head "Decision Neuroscience and Nutrition"
Current status Faculty member
Research area decision making; reward; social neuroscience; body-brain interaction; gut-brain interaction; nutrition; health psychology
Description Motives and modulators of human decision making What drives us to trust someone we just met? Did we eat spaghetti for lunch because we saw our colleague eating it? Can we become happier when we are nicer to our neighbors? How does the content of our breakfast have anything to do with our social interactions throughout the day? Research from different disciplines such as economics, psychology and neuroscience have attempted to investigate the motives and modulators of human decision making. Our decisions can be flexibly modulated by the different experiences we have in our daily lives. These modulations can occur through our social networks, through the impact of our own behavior on the social environment, but also simply by the food we have eaten. My research aim is to shed light on the psychological, neural and metabolic motives and modulators of human decision making.
M&B topics Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 6: Social cognition / human sociality and the brain
Institute German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke (DIfE); Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Phone +49 33 200 88 - 2510
Email soyoung.park@charite.de
Homepage https://www.dife.de/en/research/departments-and-labs/decision-neuroscience-and-nutrition/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Soyoung_Park3
Institut für Philosophie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Philosophy of mind
Function Academic Director, Berlin School of Mind and Brain; Professor in Philosophy
Current status
Research area Philosophy of mind
Description My work focuses on the interface between neuroscience and philosophy. Central issues are consciousness, self-consciousness and free will. I am particularly interested in understanding how first person experience is related to third person neuroscience and how empirical results concerning decision making can be integrated into an adequate theory of human freedom and responsibility. In addition, I work on the ethical consequences of neuroscientific research.
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 6: Social cognition / human sociality and the brain
Institute Institut für Philosophie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Phone +49 30 2093-2831, -1707
Email michael.pauen@philosophie.hu-berlin.de
Homepage www.pauen.com
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michael_Pauen
Academia.edu https://hu-berlin.academia.edu/MPauen
Institut für Philosophie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Philosophy of mind, history of philosophical psychology
Function Professor in Philosophy
Current status
Research area Philosophy of mind, history of philosophical psychology
Description I work on the history of philosophy of mind and focus on the following topics: - medieval and early modern theories of intentionality - Rationalist explanations of sensory experience - theories of animal cognition - cognitivist theories of emotions
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Institute Institut für Philosophie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Phone +49 30 2093-2204
Email perlerd@philosophie.hu-berlin.de
Homepage http://www.philosophie.hu-berlin.de/institut/lehrbereiche/theorie/mitarbeiter/perler
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Dept. of Education and Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin
Psychometrics, Missing data, Response time modeling, causal inference, Bayesian statistics
Function Professor in Quantitative Research Methods in Psychology
Current status Faculty member
Research area Psychometrics, Missing data, Response time modeling, causal inference, Bayesian statistics
Description Our expertise lies in psychometric modelling and causal inference. Relevant for M&B is our research on the interface of psychometrics and computational modelling of decision making processes. In our research, we bring together single-trial models for describing behavioural data in decision making (e.g. diffusion models) with psychometric models that account for interindividual differences (e.g., dynamic latent variable models). For that we cooperate with neurocognitive research groups focusing on perceptual decision making.
M&B topics Topic 2: Decision-making
Institute Dept. of Education and Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin
Phone +49 30 838 62 926
Email steffi.pohl@fu-berlin.de
Homepage http://www.ewi-psy.fu-berlin.de/en/einrichtungen/arbeitsbereiche/methoden_und_evaluation/beschaeftigte/s_pohl/index.html
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Steffi_Pohl
Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie, Freie Universität Berlin
Neuroscience of language and pragmatics: aphasia, neuropragmatics, language and action, language and emotion, neurocombinatorics, language perception and comprehension (MEG-EEG), meaning comprehension
Function Professor
Current status Faculty
Research area Neuroscience of language and pragmatics: aphasia, neuropragmatics, language and action, language and emotion, neurocombinatorics, language perception and comprehension (MEG-EEG), meaning comprehension
Description My main interests in science are in the neurobiology of language. I have developed a model of language processing in the human brain, formulated at the level of nerve cell circuits which cut across perception and action systems of the brain. The model specifies neural circuits processing speech sounds, words, their meaning and the syntactic rules that influence their order in time. Words are envisaged to be represented in the brain by distributed cell assemblies whose cortical topographies reflect aspects of word meaning. The rules of syntax are proposed to be a product of the interplay between specialized neuronal units, called sequence detectors, and general principles of neuronal dynamics designed to control and regulate activity levels in cortical areas. Advances in the neuroscience of language are applied in the development of new language therapy techniques.
M&B topics Topic 3: Language
Topic 6: Social cognition / human sociality and the brain
Institute Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie, Freie Universität Berlin
Phone +49 30 838 54443
Email friedemann.pulvermuller@fu-berlin.de
Homepage http://www.geisteswissenschaften.fu-berlin.de/v/brainlang/team/FPulvermueller.html
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Friedemann_Pulvermüller
Academia.edu https://independent.academia.edu/FriedemannPulverm%C3%BCller
Psychology Department, University of Potsdam
Cognitive computational neuroscience, language, deep learning, prediction, adaptation, attention
Function Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience
Current status Faculty
Research area Cognitive computational neuroscience, language, deep learning, prediction, adaptation, attention
Description In our lab, we use computational models (specifically, artificial neural network models/ deep learning models) and neuroscientific evidence in order to understand the neurocognition of language and meaning. We are interested in prediction and adaptation as well as in the role of attention and automaticity in language comprehension, among other things. Our lab is international, interdisciplinary, and friendly. www.uni-potsdam.de/en/cogneuro/people
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 3: Language
Institute Psychology Department, University of Potsdam
Email milena.rabovsky@uni-potsdam.de
Homepage https://www.uni-potsdam.de/en/cogneuro/people
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Milena-Rabovsky
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Psychology
Active vision, Attention, Sensorimotor learning, Visual Memory, Perceptual cognition
Function Professor for General Psychology: Active perception and cognition
Current status Faculty member
Research area Active vision, Attention, Sensorimotor learning, Visual Memory, Perceptual cognition
Description The goal of our research is to understand the phenomenology, architecture and plasticity of active perceptual (mostly vision) and cognitive processes (attention, memory, learning, causality). To this end, we use a wide range of methods, including eye tracking, motion tracking, psychophysics, EEG, computational and statistical modeling, as well as studies of clinical populations (in collaboration with other sites). Our research builds on the realization that any deep understanding of perception and cognition requires studying its key processes in observers that act their environment.
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Psychology
Phone +49 30 2093-6775
Email martin.rolfs@hu-berlin.de
Homepage http://www.rolfslab.de
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Martin_Rolfs
Academia.edu https://hu-berlin.academia.edu/MartinRolfs
Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Center for Lifespan Psychology, Berlin
Memory, attention, EEG, oscillations, aging, development
Function Research group leader, Senior Scientist
Current status Faculty member
Research area Memory, attention, EEG, oscillations, aging, development
Description I am interested in understanding lifespan age differences in episodic and working memory. I mainly use EEG as a research tool with a focus on oscillatory mechanisms that underlie successful memory formation, consolidation, and retrieval. I also apply functional and structural MRI. My research group specifically focusses on the contribution of age differences in information representation to memory performance.
M&B topics Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Institute Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Center for Lifespan Psychology, Berlin
Phone +49 30 82406414
Email sander@mpib-berlin.mpg.de
Homepage https://www.mpib-berlin.mpg.de/en/staff/myriam-c-sander
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Myriam_Sander
Institut für Philosophie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Practical philosophy; ethics.
Function Professor of philosophy (chair for practical philosophy/ethics)
Current status
Research area Practical philosophy; ethics.
Description My research focuses on issues in practical philosophy broadly conceived. I am interested both in topics related to the foundational issues in practical philosophy (such as moral objectivity, moral normativity, moral responsibility and practical reason) and in issues in normative ethical theory (for further details, see www.philosophie.hu-berlin.de/institut/lehrstuehle/ethik/forschung).
M&B topics Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Institut für Philosophie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Phone +49 30 2093-2763
Email t.schmidt@philosophie.hu-berlin.de
Homepage https://www.philosophie.hu-berlin.de/de/lehrbereiche/ethik/mitarbeiter/schmidt/schmidt
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Neurowissenschaftliches Forschungszentrum, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Cellular and molecular neurobiology
Current status
Research area Cellular and molecular neurobiology
Description Our group is active in the field of cellular and molecular neurobiology with the following major areas: - Cellular and molecular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity - Mechanisms and function of short-term and long-term plasticity at the hippocampal mossy fiber synapse - Modulation and development of synaptic transmission, plasticity and neuronal networks -Homeostatic plasticity, hyperexcitability, epilepsy - ‘Synaptopathy’ in neurological-psychiatric disorders such as Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, Mental retardation, Autism
M&B topics Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Neurowissenschaftliches Forschungszentrum, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Phone +49 30 450-639054
Email dietmar.schmitz@charite.de
Homepage http://schmitzlab.eu/imprint.html
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dietmar_Schmitz
Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Cognitive neuroscience
Function Professor in Psychology
Current status
Research area Cognitive neuroscience
Description I am using event-related brain potentials (ERPs), eye tracking and other peripheral physiological signals to investigate the human mind. In my research group we are currently running funded projects about (counterintuitive) semantic concepts, knowledge effects on perception, individual differences in face cognition, coregistration of EEG and eye movements during left-to-right reading, emotions in word and face processing, Brain Connectivity, development of advanced methods of data analysis, and implicit activation of memory and actions in dual task situations. I offer a lively, enthusiastic and friendly research environment within a fairly large research group with expertise in different areas of cognitive neuroscience and many national and international (China (Hongkong), Japan, Spain, UK) cooperations. For more information, please visit www.psychologie.hu-berlin.de/prof/bio
M&B topics Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 3: Language
Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Institute Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Phone +49 30 2093-4886
Email werner.sommer@cms.hu-berlin.de
Homepage http://www.psychologie.hu-berlin.de/mitarbeiter/4489
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Werner_Sommer2
Academia.edu https://independent.academia.edu/WernerSommer
Klinik für Psychiatrie, CCM, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Cognitive and behavioral neuroscience
Function Head, Neurobiology of Anxiety
Current status
Research area Cognitive and behavioral neuroscience
Description The main focus of research of our group is to further characterize the neurobiology of anxiety and anxiety disorders. Based on preclinical and clinical findings new treatment approaches are developed and characterized; at the moment we study the possible role of exercise and the pharmacological optimization of psychotherapy. An additional area of research is the functional characterization of reward and emotion regulation in other mental disorders, like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and depression.
M&B topics Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Klinik für Psychiatrie, CCM, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Phone +49 30 450-517034
Email andreas.stroehle@charite.de
Homepage http://psy-ccm.charite.de/forschung/affektive_erkrankungen/ag_angsterkrankungen/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Cognitive psychology
Function Professor in Cognitive Psychology
Current status
Research area Cognitive psychology
Description My research projects focus on higher cognitive processes (executive functions and intelligence, mathematical cognition, impact of short-term and long-term learning) and mental dysfunctions, mental representation and retrieval of event knowledge (including mental time line, chronotype and time perspective), language development and processing (e.g., discourse processing, alphabetization), and applied cognitive psychology (e.g., perception and emotional evaluation of urban environment). These topics are addressed with experimental approaches derived from Neuroscience (e.g., fMRI) and from Cognitive Psychology/Psychophysiology (reaction times, task-evoked pupillary responses, eye movements, EDA, EEG).
M&B topics Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 3: Language
Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Phone +49 30 2093-9390
Email meerelke@cms.hu-berlin.de
Homepage http://www.psychologie.hu-berlin.de/mitarbeiter/4467
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elke_Van_der_Meer
Academia.edu https://hu-berlin.academia.edu/ElkevanderMeer
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Brain imaging and cognitive neurology
Function Director of Max Planck Institute; Academic Director, Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Current status
Research area Brain imaging and cognitive neurology
Description Research Fields: Our group is active in the fields of neuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience, and neurology focusing on the following areas: somatosensory system, neurovascular coupling, stroke. Interdisciplinary Approach: The work of my group on structural and functional brain imaging in the Berlin NeuroImaging Center is performed together with psychologists, linguists, biologists, physicists, chemists, biochemists, and computational neuroscientists. We perform joint research projects with members of the departments of Psychology and Linguistics at Humboldt Universität, the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development, the Departments of Law at Humboldt-Universität and University of Vermont, computational neuroscientists at the Technical University of Berlin, and the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). We participate actively in the recently founded interdisciplinary “Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Berlin”.
M&B topics Topic 4: Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Email villringer@cbs.mpg.de
Homepage http://www.cbs.mpg.de/staff/villringer-10668
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Arno_Villringer
Academia.edu https://cbs-mpg.academia.edu/ArnoVillringer
Department of Philosophy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind; Philosophy of Language (AoC)
Function Full Professor Philosophy of Mind
Current status Faculty member
Research area Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind; Philosophy of Language (AoC)

I am working at the intersection of philosophy of mind and epistemology. In particular, I am interested in the nature of mental states and attitudes in the vicinity of cognitive neutrality, e.g., agnosticism, ignorance, doxastic indecision, suspension of judgment and belief. In this context, I am also exploring how mental attitudes and activities relate to inquiry and deliberation (the “zetetic turn” in epistemology). I hold a pluralist view on cognitive neutrality, and I think that we should be clear about the nature of mental states and processes before we think of their respective normative profiles. For example, some forms of cognitive neutrality seem to be agential which has implications for their rationality.
I am also interested in the phenomena of deception (self or other) and disinformation. In particular, I study the notion of bullshitting which I analyse as giving fake answers to questions under discussion (QUDs). I try to make my philosophical work on fake answers accessible for broader audiences (see my outreach project on bullshit and fake answers): verenawagner.net/bullshit-fake-antworten
In previous work, I was concerned with the debate on free will (or our lack thereof). In my PhD-thesis, I suggested a theory of freedom of action that is compatible with determinism as well as indeterminism. After that, I worked on applications of the compatibilist free will debate to the doxastic realm (doxastic freedom and doxastic compatibilism).

M&B topics Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 3: Language
Topic 1: Perception, attention, consciousness
Institute Department of Philosophy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Phone +49 30 2093-89771
Email verena.wagner@hu-berlin.de
Homepage https://verenawagner.net
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Division of Mind and Brain Research, Department of Psychiatry, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Volition and decision making, affective neuroscience and social cognition, depression and schizophrenia, imaging genetics, free will and moral responsibility
Function Professor for Psychiatry, Psychiatric Neuroscience and Neurophilosophy
Current status
Research area Volition and decision making, affective neuroscience and social cognition, depression and schizophrenia, imaging genetics, free will and moral responsibility
Description In my group we work interdisciplinary linking psychiatry, cognitive neuroscience, psychology and philosophy. Our main methods are neuroimaging and philosophical analyses. I welcome Ph.D. students who want to do imaging work/computational psychiatry and philosophers who want to integrate neuroscience into their philosophical work. I can offer expertise in psychopathology, neuroimaging and philosophy of mind. I am particulary interested in the interdisciplinary topics of volition, intention and agency, emotions, the self, social cognition, unconscious motivations and neuroethics.
M&B topics Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Topic 6: Social cognition / human sociality and the brain
Institute Division of Mind and Brain Research, Department of Psychiatry, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Phone +49 30 450-517141
Email henrik.walter@charite.de
Homepage http://mindandbrain.charite.de/en/people/team_rg_mab/henrik_walter/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Henrik_Walter
Cognitive Sciences, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Potsdam
Neural basis of language processing, language acquisition, language development, aphasia
Function Professor for Patholinguistics/Neurocognition of Language
Current status Full Professor
Research area Neural basis of language processing, language acquisition, language development, aphasia

Neural basis of language processing and language development. I'm especially interested in prosody processing, sentence processing, language acquisition (grammar, prosody), acquired language impairments (aphasia), individual differences. Methods: behavioral, NIRS, EEG, eyetracking

M&B topics Topic 3: Language
Institute Cognitive Sciences, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Potsdam
Phone +49 33 1977-2928
Email isabell.wartenburger@uni-potsdam.de
Homepage https://www.uni-potsdam.de/en/ling/researchgroups/patholinguisticsneurocognition-of-language
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Isabell_Wartenburger
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Clinical Psychology
Brain disorders and mental dysfunction; Stress; Social cognition
Function Head of Clinical Psychology
Current status Faculty members
Research area Brain disorders and mental dysfunction; Stress; Social cognition
Description One focus of our research is the investigation of the connections between mental illnesses and stress. We are particularly interested in changes in biological stress regulation systems, such as the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis and the autonomic nervous system. In several projects we investigate the connections between cognition (e. g. memory function) and various stress hormones. In addition, we try to better understand the relationship between stress and physical symptoms in mental illness.
M&B topics Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Topic 6: Social cognition / human sociality and the brain
Institute Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Clinical Psychology
Phone +49 30 450-517534
Email katja.wingenfeld@charite.de
Homepage https://psychiatrie.charite.de/forschung/affektive_stoerungen_und_stresserkrankungen/
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/
Institut für Biologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Exzellenzcluster NeuroCure, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Decision making; animal models in neurology and psychiatry; automated animal behaviour diagnostics
Function Professor for Cognitive Neurobiology
Current status Faculty member
Research area Decision making; animal models in neurology and psychiatry; automated animal behaviour diagnostics
Description I am an animal physiologist and professor for cognitive neurobiology at Humboldt-Universität. We perform behavioural diagnostics with animal models for neurology and psychiatry (see also berlinmouseclinic.org and neurocure.de) with a focus on developing novel technical methods for automated animal behaviour research with a team of about 10 engineers. A second interest is animal decision making leading to non-rational choice using nectar-feeding bats as e.g. in Nachev N et al. and Winter Y, Fisher’s law and the cognition-mediated evolution of low-quality nectar. Science, in press (state: 2016).
M&B topics Topic 2: Decision-making
Topic 5: Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Institute Institut für Biologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Exzellenzcluster NeuroCure, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Phone +49 30 2093-47940
Email york.winter@charite.de
Homepage http://www.winterlab.org
Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/