7 - Extrospection and confidence judgements in metacognitive tasks 

7 - Extrospection and confidence judgements in metacognitive tasks

PI: Elisa Filevich PhD

Contact: elisa.filevich@bccn-berlin.de

Website: https://www.bccn-berlin.de/People/home/?contentId=3960

Confidence ratings about one's own responses are often used as an example of an introspective measure. They are therefore employed in experimental measures of metacognition, or the brain’s ability to “monitor itself”. But recent results suggest that confidence ratings may not rely on introspection alone —or at all— and thus may be inadequate as a measure for introspection. Instead, confidence ratings may depend on participants’ (overt) response times and would therefore be equally accessible to extrospection.

In this project we will develop paradigms that will allow us to compare the quality (i.e., measures of metacognitive ability) and mechanisms (EEG and/or fMRI) underlying confidence judgements following either overt responses, or no response. Comparing “report” vs. “no report” conditions will allow us to explicitly probe the contribution of overt, motor information to confidence ratings and identify which, if any, factors are uniquely accessible to introspection but not to extrospection.

Requirements for research topic 7

From the candidate we expect:

(1) A proven interest in metacognition,
(2) Predisposition to work in an interdisciplinary project,
(3) Experience with experimental design, and
(4) Experience with EEG or fMRI data analysis,
(5) Willingness to fully participate in the research, education and training program of the RTG,
(6) Proficiency in English,
(7) Master's degree in a relevant field.

Applications for research topic 7

(1) A proposal for a doctoral project in research topic 7: "Extrospection and confidence judgements in metacognitive tasks" (max. 5 pages in Arial 11, single spaced, plus max. 3 pages references),
(2) A meaningful letter of motivation (max 2 pages),
(3) Full academic CV,
(4) Copies/scans of Bachelor's and Master's certificates; if you haven't completed your Master's degree yet, please provide a timeline and transcripts,
(5) Transcript of records for Master's degree,
(6) Two letters of reference should be sent directly to the program coordinator (see below).

Please send the above in one PDF file of no more than 7 MB.

Please name the file as follows: YourName_RTG_Topic7

Application address


Deadline for applicants

currently no research positions advertised

2 Letters of Reference required / Guidelines

Please send our guidelines to your referees:

Referees should send their letters of reference directly to: Dr. Dirk Mende, Program coordinator, Fax +49 30 2093-89751, mb-extrospection@hu-berlin.de

Deadline for referees:

This page last updated on: 10 January 2022