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Department of Psychology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Mindreading, autism, social cognition, self-knowledge
Function | Professor for Clinical Psychology of Social Interaction |
Current status | PI |
Research area | Mindreading, autism, social cognition, self-knowledge |
Description | Topic 5: Reading mental states of others versus self - the case of autism. The understanding of others’ mental states, also referred to as mindreading, is an important predictor for successful social interaction. In the past decade, research has started to investigate self-knowledge about mental states and its relationship to other-knowledge. Interestingly, it has recently been suggested that knowing one’s own mental states rather than drawing on direct access results from turning our mindreading abilities on ourselves, i.e., the same mental capacity that is in place for mindreading others produces knowledge of own mental states when turned to oneself. Autism is a developmental disorder that involves core deficits in understanding the mental states of others and there is preliminary evidence that it also involves impairments in understanding own mental states. Investigating the relationship between self and other knowledge about mental states in autism and other psychiatric conditions involving mindreading deficts can thus be taken to inform the question whether reading mental states of others’ and self represents indeed a common process. |
M&B topics |
Topic 5: Reading mental states of others versus self - the case of autism Topic 6: Extrospective assessment of emotion in self and other and their neural correlates Topic 10: Levels of extrospection in psychiatry Topic 7: Extrospection and confidence judgements in metacognitive tasks |
Institute | Department of Psychology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Phone | +49 30 2093-6186 |
isabel.dziobek@hu-berlin.de | |
Homepage | https://www.psychology.hu-berlin.de/en/staff/1687995 |
Researchgate | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Isabel_Dziobek |
Academia.edu |
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience; Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Consciousness, metacognition, intentional action, introspection, motor control, motor awareness
Function | Group leader |
Current status | PI |
Research area | Consciousness, metacognition, intentional action, introspection, motor control, motor awareness |
Description | Topic 7: Extrospection and confidence judgements in metacognitive tasks : We ask what are the mechanisms and computations underlying the formation of confidence and other kinds of subjective report. We concentrate on metacognitive tasks in the visual and motor domain. We sometimes use neuroimaging methods -(f)MRI, EEG- and sometimes focus on behavioural experiments alone. |
M&B topics |
Topic 7: Extrospection and confidence judgements in metacognitive tasks Topic 1: Epistemology of extrospection Topic 8: Brain Reading and extrospection Topic 6: Extrospective assessment of emotion in self and other and their neural correlates |
Institute | Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience; Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Phone | +49 30 2093-6313 |
elisa.filevich@bccn-berlin.de | |
Homepage | http://metamotorlab.filevich.com/ |
Researchgate | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elisa_Filevich |
Academia.edu |
Department of Philosophy, University of Magdeburg
Philosophy of mind, of the neurosciences, and of psychiatry, phenomenal consciousness and altered state of consciousness, introspection, delusions, mental indeterminacy
Function | Junior Professor for Neurophilosophy |
Current status | PI |
Research area | Philosophy of mind, of the neurosciences, and of psychiatry, phenomenal consciousness and altered state of consciousness, introspection, delusions, mental indeterminacy |
Description | Topic 4: Introspection, extrospection and denial of privileged access in psychiatry: How can a psychiatrist establish that she knows what’s going on in her patient? How can she be certain if her diagnosis suggests that the first-person reports are somehow misleading? My project focuses on the way that psychiatrists come to reasonably justified assessments of the minds of others, e.g. when distinguishing between hallucination and delusion. The context of psychiatry already suggests a denial of privileged access in the sense of indubitability. The goal then is to assess how psychiatrists can justify doubt in first-person reports and how they might even correct them. |
M&B topics |
Topic 4: Introspection, extrospection and denial of privileged access in psychiatry Topic 10: Levels of extrospection in psychiatry Topic 3: Structural models of phenomenality |
Institute | Department of Philosophy, University of Magdeburg |
Phone | +49 (391) 675 6462 |
sfink@ovgu.de | |
Homepage | www.finks.de |
Researchgate | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/ |
Academia.edu |
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience / Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Function | Professor |
Current status | PI |
Research area | |
Description | Topic 8: Brain Reading and extrospection: In recent years, the new approach of “Brain Reading” has developed in neuroscience. This approach uses machine-learning techniques to decode mental states from neuroimaging signals. One important and interesting question is whether brain reading will in principle ever be able to detect a person’s mental state more precisely than the person themselves can do so? Although at first sight this appears impossible, there are examples suggesting that this might be achievable under certain conditions. The current project will use a combination of functional neuroimaging, behavioral reports and mental state decoding to elucidate this question. |
M&B topics |
Topic 8: Brain Reading and extrospection Topic 4: Introspection, extrospection and denial of privileged access in psychiatry Topic 9: Numbtouch: Extrospection and introspection during weak somatosensory stimulation |
Institute | Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience / Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin |
Phone | +49 30 2093-6762 |
haynes@bccn-berlin.de | |
Homepage | https://sites.google.com/site/hayneslab/people/current/john-dylan-haynes |
Researchgate | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/ |
Academia.edu |
Institute of Psychology / Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Emotion, face processing, empathy, prosocial behaviour, EEG, ECG
Function | Postdoctoral Fellow |
Current status | PI |
Research area | Emotion, face processing, empathy, prosocial behaviour, EEG, ECG |
Description | Topic 6: Extrospective assessment of emotion in self and other and their neural correlates : My main research interests are the neuroscientific and biopsychological assessment of emotion and social interaction. A particular interest lies in the processing of identity-specific and generic aspects of human faces. Methods I apply include game theoretical paradigms, structural equation modelling, ECG, EEG and fMRI. Theoretically, I am interested in the concept of the self and its disturbances as described in the case of schizophrenia. |
M&B topics |
Topic 5: Reading mental states of others versus self - the case of autism Topic 6: Extrospective assessment of emotion in self and other and their neural correlates Topic 10: Levels of extrospection in psychiatry Topic 1: Epistemology of extrospection |
Institute | Institute of Psychology / Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Phone | +49 30 2093-1724 |
laura.kaltwasser@hu-berlin.de | |
Homepage | https://www.psychology.hu-berlin.de/en/staff/1685998 |
Researchgate | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Laura_Kaltwasser2 |
Academia.edu |
Department of Philosophy, University of Magdeburg
Philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, philosophy of neurocognition, philosophy of computation, philosophy of physics
Function | Professor for Theoretical Philosophy; Director of Study Program “Philosophy-Neurosciences-Cognition” |
Current status | PI |
Research area | Philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, philosophy of neurocognition, philosophy of computation, philosophy of physics |
Description | Topic 3: Structural models of phenomenality: I’m a philosopher of science with interests in foundational issues of cognitive and computational neuroscience and physics as well as philosophy of mind and metaphysics. I have particularly worked on mental externalism, extended cognition, structural realism, foundations of gauge field theories, philosophy of information and Kantian philosophy of nature. My main research focus within the RTG is on structural models of mental representation and phenomenality. |
M&B topics |
Topic 3: Structural models of phenomenality Topic 1: Epistemology of extrospection Topic 4: Introspection, extrospection and denial of privileged access in psychiatry Topic 10: Levels of extrospection in psychiatry |
Institute | Department of Philosophy, University of Magdeburg |
Phone | |
lyre@ovgu.de | |
Homepage | www.lyre.de |
Researchgate | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/ |
Academia.edu |
Department of Philosophy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Philosophy of mind
Function | Professor |
Current status | PI; Speaker of the RTG |
Research area | Philosophy of mind |
Description | Topic 1: Epistemology of extrospection As there are no absolute standards for epistemic merits, the epistemic disadvantage of extro-spection, i.e. third person access to a person’s higher cognitive states, is typically argued for by comparison with introspection or – to a lesser extent – with third-person methods in natural science, most typically physics. E.g. introspection is said to be superior to extrospection because it provides direct first-person access to its objects. Extrospection, by contrast, seems to have limited access only to certain higher cognitive states, particularly to the notorious qualia. The present project is supposed to make a comparative assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of extrospection, introspection, and, to a minor extent, third-person science. Topic 1: Extrospection and the Neural Correlates of Consciousness Almost two decades ago the search for the neural correlates of consciousness (NCCs) was initiated. The basic idea was to sidestep theoretical disagreements and collect empirical data instead which might eventually help to improve our understanding of consciousness. Problems regarding extrospection, that is, the acquisition of objective data regarding subjective experience, were among the key issues in the debate. We invite project proposals that try to investigate whether or not a better understanding of extrospection can support the search for the NCCs and may even contribute to improving our theories of conscious experience.1: Extrospection and Neural Correlates of Consciousness. |
M&B topics |
Topic 1: Epistemology of extrospection Topic 3: Structural models of phenomenality Topic 8: Brain Reading and extrospection |
Institute | Department of Philosophy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Phone | +49 30 2093-767 |
michael.pauen@philosophie.hu-berlin.de | |
Homepage | www.pauen.com |
Researchgate | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/ |
Academia.edu |
Department of Philosophy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
History of Philosophy of Mind
Function | Professor |
Current status | PI |
Research area | History of Philosophy of Mind |
Description | Topic 2: Extrospection and consciousness in early modern philosophy Modern debates on consciousness started with Descartes, Locke and other seventeenth-century authors. But how did these philosophers conceive of consciousness? How did they classify different types of consciousness? And how did they explain the relationship between consciousness, which makes an internal access to mental states possible, and extrospection, which involves perception and other forms of external access? The project deals with these and related questions, thereby exploring the framework for modern theories of mind. It combines historical and systematic analysis and examines basic assumptions that are still present in contemporary debates. |
M&B topics |
Topic 2: Extrospection and consciousness in early modern philosoph Topic 1: Epistemology of extrospection Topic 3: Structural models of phenomenality |
Institute | Department of Philosophy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Phone | +49 30 2093-2204 |
perlerd@philosophie.hu-berlin.de | |
Homepage | https://www.philosophie.hu-berlin.de/en/sections/theorie/mitarbeiter/perler/index.html |
Researchgate | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/ |
Academia.edu |
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig; Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Neural correlates of unconscious perception, Metacognition, Somatosensory System, Numbtouch, Stroke
Function | Director, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
Current status | PI |
Research area | Neural correlates of unconscious perception, Metacognition, Somatosensory System, Numbtouch, Stroke |
Description | Topic 9: Numbtouch: Extrospection and introspection during weak somatosensory stimulation Can we make correct statements about visual stimuli which we have “not seen” or tactile stimuli which we have “not felt”? Such phenomena have been reported in blind patients after stroke (blindsight) and in patients with impaired perception of touch after focal brain lesions (numbtouch). We have recently described similar phenomena in healthy subjects who were able to localize weak somatosensory stimuli which they did not detect (“not feel”). The first aim of this project is to identify neural correlates of this phenomenon using EEG, MEG, 7 Tesla fMRI, and – in few patients – invasive electrode recordings (extrospection) combined with subjects’ reports (introspection). Paradigms will be used which allow for data analysis based on signal detection theory. To confirm the functional role of the presumably involved brain areas (aim 1), the second aim is to alter subjects’ reports by modulating neural activity of these brain areas with transcranial stimulation (TMS, TDCS). The third aim is to improve the clinical symptom numbtouch in patients after stroke. |
M&B topics |
Topic 9: Numbtouch: Extrospection and introspection during weak somatosensory stimulation Topic 1: Epistemology of extrospection Topic 8: Brain Reading and extrospection Topic 7: Extrospection and confidence judgements in metacognitive tasks |
Institute | Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig; Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Phone | +49 341 9940-2220 |
villringer@cbs.mpg.de | |
Homepage | http://www.cbs.mpg.de/staff/villringer-10668 |
Researchgate | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Arno_Villringer |
Academia.edu |
Research Division of Mind and Brain, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, CCM, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Precision psychiatry and psychotherapy, cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging, connectomics, philosophy of mind, neurophilosophy, philosophy of psychiatry
Function | Professor of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Neuroscience and Neurophilosophy; Deputy Medical Director (Research) of the Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, Charité, Campus Charité Mitte |
Current status | PI |
Research area | Precision psychiatry and psychotherapy, cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging, connectomics, philosophy of mind, neurophilosophy, philosophy of psychiatry |
Description | Topic 10: Levels of extrospection in psychiatry In my lab we investigate healthy subjects and persons with mental disorders using objective methods of cognitive neuroscience, e.g. observed behavior, neuropsychological tests, genetic, physiological and neuroimaging data, i.e. extrospective data. On the other hand, we use subjective data like feeling states, reported symptoms, questionnaires and remembered events that often rely on introspection. Although measures within one domain often correlate closely the link between both domains is often weak. In this topic we ask why, when and in what sense extrospective data are as good as or even more valuable than introspective data and what that means for psychiatry and for theories of the mental. In this funding period we focus on anhedonia as a prime example of a transdiagnostic important symptom that is also present in persons without a psychiatric diagnoses and will investigate it with multidimensional intro- and extrospective measures. |
M&B topics |
Topic 1: Epistemology of extrospection Topic 4: Introspection, extrospection and denial of privileged access in psychiatry Topic 8: Brain Reading and extrospection Topic 10: Levels of extrospection in psychiatry |
Institute | Research Division of Mind and Brain, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, CCM, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin |
Phone | +49 30 4505-17141 |
henrik.walter@charite.de | |
Homepage | https://mindandbrain.charite.de/ |
Researchgate | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Henrik_Walter |
Academia.edu |