
Career & Alumni

Career courses and events in Berlin on offer

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M&B Alumni Careers (within and outside the Academy)

M&B Alumni Careers
76 pages, published in January 2019
Read about the astounding variety of post-M&B careers in interviews, statements, and other entertaining formats.
Read this book or free download (pdf 2.2 MB)

M&B Alumni Careers
29 pages, published in September 2014
Read about post-M&B careers in interviews.
Read this brochure or free download (pdf 0.5 MB)

Leaving the Academy

UniWIND-Spezial (in two parts)
Außeruniversitäre Karrierewege für Promovierte (Non-university career paths for doctoral candidates)
Published by UniWIND (Universitätsverband zur Qualifizierung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in Deutschland e.V.)
The vast majority of doctoral candidates leave the academic system in the first one or two years after the doctorate. Even among habilitated researchers, more than 30 percent of advanced researchers still have to reorient themselves on the non-university labor market. What career paths do doctoral candidates take? What qualifications, skills and experience are useful to them? What interest do employers have in specialists and managers with doctorates? Two working groups looked at 13 individual non-university career paths of PhDs (Part 1) and interviewed employers for their perspective (Part 2). Continue (in German) ...
Dr. Anne Löchte from the Berlin School of Mind and Brain led the Talking to Employers group (Part 2). The publication of the results of this group was generously supported by the Berlin School of Mind and Brain.

Part 1:
Hanna Kauhaus et al. (Hgg.)
Perspektiven nach der Promotion. Berufswege außerhalb der Wissenschaft: 13 Porträts
(Perspectives after the doctorate. Career paths outside the academy: 13 portraits)
70 pages, first published in September 2018
Read book or free download (pdf 1.8 MB)

Part 2:
Anne Löchte, Regina von Schmeling (Hgg.)
Perspektiven nach der Promotion. Berufswege außerhalb der Wissenschaft: Arbeitgeber im Gespräch
(Perspectives after the doctorate. Career paths outside the academy: Talking to Employers)
110 pages, first published in September 2018
Read book or free download (pdf 0.5 MB)

Mirjam Müller
Karriere nach der Wissenschaft. Alternative Berufswege für Promovierte
Campus Verlag, 2017, ISBN: 3593507161
Nach der Promotion - oder später in der akademischen Laufbahn - stellt sich die Frage nach Alternativen: In welchen Berufsfeldern werden Promovierte gebraucht? Welche Qualifikationen, Kompetenzen und Interessen führen zu Berufszielen jenseits der Professur? Wie kann eine erfolgreiche Bewerbungsstrategie aussehen? Mirjam Müller entwirft einepraktische Anleitung für die Planung alternativer Berufswege. Dreizehn Porträts promovierter Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftler beschreiben, wie der Ausstieg aus der Wissenschaft gelingt, wie der neue Arbeitsalltag in verschiedenen Branchen aussieht und welche Qualifikationen erwartet werden. Der Ratgeber bietet Selbstcoaching-Übungen sowie Strategien für den erfolgreichen Einstieg in eine Tätigkeit in Wirtschaft, Verwaltung, Bildung oder Kultur.

Prospects - DFG Research Career Series

We offer an overview of all funding instruments for the time after your PhD as well as specific focus talks on the Walter Benjamin Programme, the Emmy Noether Programme and the Heisenberg Programme. We will also provide advice on how to prepare your proposal for the review process and answer your questions. PhD candidates and postdocs of all disciplines are welcome to join!

Towards a Global Core Value System in Doctoral Education

“Towards a Global Core Value System in Doctoral Education”
Editors: Maresi Nerad, David Bogle, Ulrike Kohl, Conor O’Carroll, Christian Peters, and Beate Scholz
ISBN: 9781800080201, Publication: September 27, 2022
Open Access PDF £0.00 :

Recent decades have seen an explosion in doctoral education worldwide. Increased potential for diverse employment has generated greater interest, with cultural, political and environmental tensions focusing the attention of new creative, responsible scholars.
Towards a Global Core Value System in Doctoral Education provides an evaluation of changes and reforms in doctoral education since 2000. Recognising the diversity of academic cultures and institutional systems worldwide, the book advocates for a core value system to overcome inequalities in access to doctoral education and the provision of knowledge. Building on in-depth perspectives of scholars and young researchers from more than 25 countries, the chapters focus on the structures and quality assurance models of doctoral education, supervision, and funding from an institutional and comparative perspective. The book examines capacity building in the era of globalisation, global labour market developments for doctoral graduates, and explores the ethical challenges and political contestations that may manifest in the process of pursuing a PhD.
Experts and early career researchers in the Global North and South collaborated in interdisciplinary and intergenerational teams to develop guidelines for doctoral education. They learned from each other about how to act courageously within a complex global context. The resulting recommendations and reflections are an invitation to reflect on the frames and conditions of doctoral education today.

DFG (German Research Council): 10 Principles of Effective Career Support for Early-stage Researchers

March 2021
Full text in English and German (internal webpage)

Completing the doctorate / funding for postdocs: Support and services at the HU Research Service Centre
Finish and Follow-Up: “All’s well that ends well”:What must be done towards the end of your doctoral work? What next?
This portal is made for talented young scientists at the Humboldt-Universität – for postdoctoral researchers (Postdocs) who submit their first application, for more experienced Postdocs, Junior Professors and leaders of Junior Research Groups, but of course also for PhD students at their final stage of their PhD and, last but not least, for international Postdocs of all career levels, who want to do research at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Alumniportal Deutschland

July 2021
Alumniportal Deutschland is a social network designed to promote networking and sharing of information among Germany-Alumni, companies, universities and organisations. It offers its users the opportunity to get in touch with Germany-Alumni from around the world as well as companies in order to discuss specialist issues, develop their skills and benefit from the expertise of others. Alumniportal Deutschland is a cooperation project by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), involving Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation and Goethe Institute. The project is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office:

One of the services available: CAREER COACHING

The career coaching will take place online in virtual rooms and is aimed at foreign students enrolled at a university in Germany, who are in the process of completing their last semesters before graduation; students abroad who have completed at least one semester at a university in Germany and are about to graduate; graduates from a university in Germany; DAAD Scholarschip holders from Germany close to graduation; DAAD Alumni from Germany.
Admission criteria for career coaching: membership in the Alumniportal Deutschland Community with a completed profile (you can register for free); if applicable, proof of enrolment/attendance in a German university (for international students or alumni); if applicable, proof of enrolment/attendance in an university abroad (for German DAAD scholarship holders or alumni); availability of the necessary technical equipment required (fast and stable internet access, webcam, headset).

Academic Management / Wissenschaftsmanagement

Mirjam Müller / Oliver Grewe
Wissenschaftsmanagement als Beruf. Strategien für den Einstieg
Campus Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., 2020
ISBN 9783593512068, 240 Seiten, € 24,95
Als facettenreiches Berufsfeld bietet das Wissenschaftsmanagement zahlreiche attraktive Karrieremöglichkeiten an Universitäten und Hochschulen, in Forschungseinrichtungen, wissenschaftspolitischen Institutionen und Stiftungen. Diese praxisorientierte Einführung zeigt Chancen und Potenziale auf, die das Berufsfeld bietet. Vorgestellt werden zum einen die Tätigkeitsbereiche und erwarteten Kompetenzen, die Aufgaben und Arbeitsbedingungen. Zum anderen bietet das Buch Hochschulabsolvent*innen und Promovierten die Gelegenheit, sich Schritt für Schritt auf dem Weg ins Wissenschaftsmanagement begleiten zu lassen. Nicht zuletzt hält es wichtige Hinweise für die Bewerbung und die ersten hundert Tage in diesem Beruf bereit.


This page last updated on: 04 October 2023