Past events
Thu, 11 April 2024, 17.00 (5 p.m.)
Dr. Vivien Lortzing
Doctorate in: Biology, Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Biology - Applied Zoology/Animal Ecology, 2017
Current post: Consultant for Research Funding and Information, Freie Universität Berlin
Join via Webex:
Meeting ID No: 2732 617 8829
Meeting PW: MEmYSkQS576
Wed 5 March 2024 , 9.00-18.00
Berlin University Alliance (BUA) PhD Career Day
Mainly for researchers from Natural and Life Sciences. Register now!
Please refer to the Career Day webpage of Humboldt Graduate School where the Career Day 2024 will be held:
Two talks on Wed 22 November 2023, at 16.00 and 16.30
Alumni lecture series and social with snacks and drinks afterwards in the BCCN yard/seminar room:
At 16.00 (CEST) Jan Ostermann (née Herding), Tiplu GmbH
What to do after my PhD? From frustration to Start-ups and the German 'Mittelstand'
More info and abstract:
At 16.30 (CEST) Gina Grünhage, societec
How to be successful outside of academia
Venue: BCCN Berlin, lecture hall, Philippstr. 13 Haus 6
More info and abstract:
Venue: BCCN Berlin, lecture hall, Philippstr. 13 Haus 6, 10115 Berlin
26 April 2023, 9.30-12.30
The Berlin University Alliance Postdoc Academy - Kick-off Event
( is coming to YOU!
Join your fellow postdocs from across the BUA partner universities for the Postdoc Academy Kick-Off Event on April 26th at the ‘Festsaal’ of Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Humboldt Graduate School, Luisenstr. 56. You can find the program here:
The Postdoc Academy is designed to support you in your career development, particularly if you are in the first years of your postdoc, and to connect you with fellow postdocs in the Berlin research community. This day will be dedicated to the subject 'Postdocs and Careers' and will also provide a valuable opportunity for all BUA postdocs to connect with one another and interact with our inspiring guests. In addition, we will provide you with a glimpse into the future of the Postdoc Academy and show how you can profit from this program.
We understand that as a Postdoc your time is precious and that you have many projects to juggle. Hence, we strive to deliver value for your time and energy. The Postdoc Academy is tailored to your needs and we strongly encourage you to make suggestions to help further its development.
Become part of the Postdoc Academy and register now for the Kick-Off via this link:
Check out our first workshop offerings, designed exclusively for postdocs, and secure your spot quickly:
Your BUA Postdoc Academy Support Team.
21 March 2023 , 17:00 - 18:30
Scholar Minds Talk Series: Harald Prüß (Berlin)
Learn about senior scholars' (career) stories of doubts, struggles, detours, failures, and successes. Register now.
We are happy to invite you to this month's talk on Growing up in Science - Berlin. In every talk, we feature a scholar's story focusing on doubts, struggles, detours, failures, and successes throughout all career stages. The primary goal is not to offer classical career advice but to examine in some depth and in the context of a broader narrative the hidden human factors of working in academia. To know more about the rationale behind Growing up in Science talks, please have a look at this article.
Our speaker for this month is Prof. Dr. Harald Prüß (, Professor and Attending Physician in the Department of Neurology at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, group leader at the DZNE Berlin, and the head of the Experimental Neurology Department at Charité. His research focuses on the mechanisms of autoantibody-mediated impairment of neuronal function in the context of various types of autoimmune encephalitis. In his talk, he will share what he learned from frustrating setbacks during all career stages, how he has been struggling doing the splits between clinical and laboratory research, and why a good mood in the lab (in the meantime) means more to him than good science.
The event will take place online via Zoom on Wednesday, 22.03.2023, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm.
Please register here ( to receive the link to this event, and please feel free to forward this email to your friends and colleagues.
On our webpage, you can also register for future events and read the stories of previous speakers.
Your Scholar Minds team.
Mental health initiative for ECRs in Berlin
Twitter: @BerlinMinds
8 December 2022, 14.00–16.00
Annual METIS Lecture
“Data is Not Neutral: Gender and Generalizability in Research Methodology”
Introduction by Dr. Ursula Fuhrich-Grubert, HU Berlin
Registration for Zoom invitation required by Monday 5 December:
Abstract: For a long time, most human subjects research was performed primarily on white men. This was especially the case for research intended to be generalizable towards everyone. To address this bias, many funding agencies now have policies that require gender equality, by which they mean that women and men should be included in all generalizable research (e.g., drug treatment trials, brain imaging, exercise physiology). However, this bias correction reinforces two problematic ideas: that sex is binary and that sex difference is attributable to biological difference. Policy change that doesn’t address the history and context that led to biased sample populations only exposes bias and doesn’t fix it. So how do we include the variables of sex and gender in a way that allows us to uncover the many ways it can complicate, enhance, and broaden our understanding?And how can we show that there are times when research on women and gender diverse people actually produces the most generalizable findings?
In this year’s METIS Lecture, Professor Kathryn Clancy and Professor Jenny Davis will offer case studies across several disciplines to show how gender and sex are entangled, and enrich scholarly study. They will then suggest several queer feminist interventions into problem definition, data collection, and data interpretation towards a broader recognition of how all data are relevant — not only those that fall within a "normal range" but outliers and even those from excluded categories.
28-30 November 2022, in German
30 November - 2 December 2022, in English
Erfolgreich in die Promotion - Retreat <> (in German)
Kick Off Your Doctorate - Retreat <> (in English)
Organizer: Graduate Studies Support, Berlin University Alliance
The focus of these kick-off events is to help early career researchers get started, to support them in networking with each other and to introduce them to contact persons at the four institutions in addition to helpful information on the content. Accompanied by trainers, a selection of important tools will be tested in small exercises and opportunities will be shown to deepen these across institutions. Short presentations, joint active breaks and a networking evening will round off the events.
Both retreats will take place for the first time in person at the Hotel & Spa Sommerfeld.
The retreats are aimed at doctoral students of all disciplines who are in the first six months of their doctorate.
Info and registration "Erfolgreich in die Promotion":
Info and registration "Kick Off Your Doctorate":
23 Nov 2022, 10.00-13.15 / 5 Dec 2022, 10.00-13.15
Peer Mentoring – Career Development
Peer mentoring is aimed at doctoral candidates and postdocs who do not yet have a clear career goal and are wondering how to continue professionally after their doctorate.
Open for doctoral candidates and postdocs of Humboldt-Universität
Format: In-Person at Humboldt Graduate School or Online
Language: English
Costs: Free of charge for doctoral candidates and postdocs of Humboldt-Universität.
16.11.2022, 10.00-13.15 / 14.12.2022, 10.00-13.15
Peer Mentoring – Karriereentwicklung
Peer Mentoring richtet sich an Promovierende und Postdocs, die noch kein klares Karriereziel haben und sich fragen, wie es nach der Promotion beruflich weitergehen kann.
Offen für Promovierende und PostDocs der Humboldt-Universität
Format: Online-Workshop
Sprache: Deutsch
Kosten: Für Promovierende und Postdocs der HU ist die Teilnahme kostenfrei.
Thursday, 3 November 2022
Berlin Postdoc Day
For advanced doctoral candidates and postdocs.
Venue: Humboldt-Universität, Humboldt Graduate School, Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
You can participate in the Berlin Postdoc Day (PDD) as a non-contributor, present a poster, and/or opt for a talk. We encourage you to contribute and show us your research at PDD!
Preliminary program:
Thursday 28 October from 10.00 till 16.00 (online)
Vulnerable groups in academia: How are mentally healthy working conditions and scientific excellence compatible
Second online conference on Mental Health in PhD students
This year, we focus on vulnerable groups in academia and discuss how mentally healthy working conditions and scientific excellence are compatible. The conference will take place online on 28 October. The event will be held in English and the participation is free of charge. Afterwards, we would be happy to have an in-person gathering in Berlin to connect and discuss with other ECRs. The exact location of the gathering will depend on the number of registrations and announced in a separate email. The conference will incorporate a creative keynote lecture, different workshops, and a panel discussion to set the stage for health-related changes in the academic system. The conference was initiated by Scholar Minds, the Berlin Cluster of Excellence Science of Intelligence and the Techniker Krankenkasse. The whole event is a collaborative project of mental health initiatives and guest speakers from across Germany. We are very happy to include many different voices of academia in our keynote lecture: We will present short interviews with representatives from different vulnerable and underrepresented groups in science. Further, we offer workshops on a selection of re-current topics for early career researchers such as power abuse in academia (Dragonfly), academic mindsets on trial (Scholar Minds), a roadmap of helping offers in Germany (Techniker Krankenkasse), and stress management (Innerminder). Last but not least, there will be a panel discussion on the topic “(How) are mentally healthy working conditions and scientific excellence compatible?” opening the stage for different representatives from the academic and the health care system such as Ulf Tölch (Berlin Institute of Health, Charité Berlin), Elisa Filevich (Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), David Surges (Techniker Krankenkasse), and Mareike Bayer (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).
You can find the program information here: -- program changes are always possible -- as well as register here:
Scholar Minds
Mental health initiative for PhDs in Berlin
Twitter: @BerlinMinds
September/October 2022
CareerMaker 2.0 - A blended learning course on building and pursuing your personal career vision
Dr. Simone Cardoso de Oliveira (
Module 1: Kickoff Workshop - Group work (two consecutive days, 3 hours each with breaks):
Module 2: Online Self-Study Period - One month individual work in an online course, containing input, nudges and exercises
Module 3: Towards your next position - Group work (one day, 3 hours with breaks)
Module 4: One-on-one Career Coaching - Individual work with the instructor (up to 1,5 hrs)
Format: Online, via videoconferencing plus virtual whiteboard and an online course platform.
Target group: Advanced doctoral students.
Languages: English. Group size: min. 5, max. 8
Friday, 30 September 2022, 9:00−17:00
Career Planning and Navigation On your Way to Professorship
Open to all Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs within the Berlin University Alliance
Trainer: Prof. Dr. Uta Bronner
Plus individual one-on-one coaching sessions starting on 4 Oct 2022
Target Group: Candidates in last year of doctorate and Postdocs
Format: In-Person Workshop at Humboldt Graduate School
Language: English; participation is free of charge.
Wed/Thu 28 and 29 Sep 2022, 9:00−13:00 + 16 Nov and 6 Dec 2022; 9:00-11:00 (follow-up group coaching sessions)
Crisis Management and Resilience during my Doctorate
Open to all Doctoral Candidates within the Berlin University Alliance
Trainer: Svenja Neupert
Target Group: Candidates in all years of doctorate
Format: Online-Workshop via Zoom
Language: English; participation is free of charge.
Mon–Tue 26–27 Sep 2022; 9:00–13:00
Become Your Own Time Manager
Open to all Doctoral Candidates within the Berlin University Alliance
Trainer: Dr. Sina Henrichs
Target Group: Doctoral Candidates all years of doctorate
Format: Online-Workshop via Zoom
Language: English; participation is free of charge.
Thursday, 16 June 2022, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday, 15 July 2022, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Peer Mentoring – Career Development
Peer mentoring is tailored to doctoral candidates and post docs who do not have a clear career goal yet. They might have questions like, “Should I stay in academia or pursue a career in other working fields? Which kinds of opportunities are available for me? What would a successful step from academia to the working market look like?” The goal of this mentoring programme is to support this process of exploration and decision. It is easier to detect your own competencies and goals in a group of peers. Additionally, a group of peers has a wider range of experience and networks. The programme includes two appointments of six hours each. Both meetings are moderated by Dr. Cornelia Rahn.
Between both meetings the participants are asked to continue working.
Free of charge for doctoral candidates and postdocs of HU Berlin.
Dienstag, den 14.6.2022 von 10 bis 16 Uhr
Dienstag, den 19.7.2022 von 10 bis 16 Uhr
Peer Mentoring – Karriereentwicklung (Kurssprache: Deutsch)
Peer Mentoring richtet sich an Promovierende und Postdocs, die noch kein klares Karriereziel haben und sich fragen, wie es nach der Promotion beruflich weitergehen kann. Soll ich in der Wissenschaft bleiben oder eine außeruniversitäre Karriere anstreben? Welche beruflichen Möglichkeiten gibt es für mich außerhalb von Universitäten? Wie kann der Umstieg von der Hochschule in den außeruniversitären Arbeitsmarkt gelingen? Das Ziel des Peer Mentoring Programmes ist, diesen Erkundungs- und Entscheidungsprozess zu unterstützen. In einer Gruppe von Personen, die in einer ähnlichen Situation sind, ist es einerseits leichter, die eigenen Stärken und Ziele klarer herauszuarbeiten. Andererseits verfügt eine Gruppe auch über einen größeren Erfahrungsschatz und mehr Kontakte in den Arbeitsmarkt. Das Programm umfasst zwei Termine, die beide von Dr. Cornelia Rahn geleitet werden:
In der Zeit zwischen den Terminen gibt es Aufgaben zur Bearbeitung.die Veranstaltung findet im Raum 123 (Luisenstr. 56, Berlin Mitte) statt.
Kosten: Für Promovierende und PostDocs der Humboldt-Universität ist dieses Angebot kostenfrei.
Do–Fr 9.–10. Juni 2022 (in Präsenz)
Workshop »Gut gebrüllt, Löwin«
Trainerinnen: Dr. Anne Löchte (Coach & Laufbahnberaterin) und Meike Finck (Schauspielerin & Trainerin)
Inhalte: Der Workshop behandelt das Thema „Frauen im System Wissenschaft“ aus zwei Perspektiven: Am Vormittag des ersten Tages gibt es einen Input zu den diversen potenziellen Hürden und Stolpersteinen. Es werden Situationen besprochen, die die Teilnehmerinnen erlebt haben, und Strategien diskutiert, wie sie mit diesen umgehen können. In den folgenden 1,5 Tagen liegt der Fokus auf Rollenspielen. Es werden spielerisch exemplarische Situationen erprobt, z.B. eine Vorstellungsrunde, ein Konferenzsmalltalk, eine Teamsitzung. Die Teilnehmerinnen beobachten, was z.B. in hierarchischen Kommunikationssituationen passiert und erproben, wie sie sich hier verhalten wollen und können. Der genaue Ablauf der Rollenspiele wird nach Rücksprache mit den Teilnehmerinnen festgelegt.
Umfang & Termin: 2 Tage, 9–16 Uhr in der Theologischen Fakultät (Burgstraße 26, R. 206); Zielgruppe: Promovierende und Postdoktorandinnen. Zur Anmeldung genügt eine kurze Email an
Tuesday, 14 June 2022, 10.00–15.00
Workshop: Preparation for the German job market
Learn about the German and Berlin labor market, receive an overview of companies, get inspired, understand the German labor law.
- Employment and the labor market: facts & figures
- The specifics of the Berlin labor market
- The German labor law, taxes and duties
- Discussion of individual interest and needs
Team Integration HU Berlin
Stabsstelle Career Center & Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung
Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 17.00-18.30
Growing up in Science - Berlin: Dr. Guillermo Pérez-Hernández
We are happy to announce the speakers for the summer semester of 2022 on the monthly series Growing up in Science - Berlin. In every talk, we feature a scholar's story focusing on doubts, struggles, detours, failures, and successes throughout all career stages. The primary goal is not to offer classical career advice but to examine in some depth and in the context of a broader narrative the hidden human factors of working in academia. To know more about the rationale behind Growing up in Science talks, please have a look at this article:
Our second speaker for this semester is Dr. Guillermo Pérez-Hernández, a researcher at the Modelling and Dynamics of Molecular Complexes Group of the Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics at the Charité, where he studies protein behavior using computer simulation. In his talk, he will share his experiences about growing up in science and the role that coincidence, family, and friends have played in it.
Please register on our webpage to receive the link to this event, and please feel free to forward this information to your friends and colleagues.
Scholar Minds: Mental health initiative for ECRs in Berlin
Twitter: @BerlinMinds
Monday, 16 May 2022, 17.00–19.00
The (In-)compatibility of Motherhood and Science (in German)
The Berlin Institute of Health is hosting an online event about motherhood and science, featuring a discussion and reading from the book „Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft. Die (Un-)Vereinbarkeit von Mutterbild und wissenschaftlicher Tätigkeit“ with authors Sarah Czerney, Lena Eckert and Silke Martin on Monday, May 16, at 5 p.m. The discussion will address not only the concrete experience of being a mother and scientist, but also what needs to change in the scientific system in order to be able to care for others and do science as well. This event is for people of all genders, and with or without children!
Registration & further information:
Or directly via:
Thursday, 5 May 2022, 17.00–18.30
Online Seminar on Handling Crisis, provided by Berliner Krisendienst
As part of our continuous effort to promote awareness for mental health in academia and provide resources to support the mental health of researchers, Scholar Minds would like to invite you to an online seminar by the Berliner Krisendienst (Berlin Crisis Service).
The Berliner Krisendienst ( provides fast and professional assistance for issues including psychosocial crises and acute mental and psychiatric emergencies. Their advice is free of charge and available 365 days a year around the clock. They also provide support in English and other languages. You can receive advice by telephone or in-person, arrange for additional meetings or learn about other forms of assistance.
In the seminar, you will learn more about the work of the Berliner Krisendienst and the services they can offer. There will also be time for discussion, asking questions, and sharing experiences.
Please register here ( to receive the link to this event. If you prefer, you may choose to attend the event anonymously (see the registration form).
7 till 17 March 2022
The Interdisciplinary College (IK), with “Career Fishbowl”
The IK is an annual, intense one-week spring school which offers a dense state-of-the-art course program in neurobiology, neural computation, cognitive science/psychology, artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics and philosophy and is aimed at students, postgraduates and researchers from academia and industry. By combining humanities, science and technology, the IK endeavours to intensify dialogue between the various disciplines.
Among the many offers in the program is the “Career Fishbowl” on Friday 11 March, 19.00. The Career Fishbowl brings together speakers from industry and from academia who will talk about their personal perspectives on flexible career development.
Read more here:
Colour-coded program for the complete event here:
Tuesday, 22 February 2022
10th Career Day 2022 - Online career day for doctoral candidates of the Berlin University Alliance
Entitled "New Horizons", the 10th Career Day for doctoral candidates will take place on 22 February. The event is organized by doctoral candidates of the Berlin University Alliance. The goal of the Career Day is to bring doctoral candidates into contact with people who have been in professional life for years. In a total of six World Cafés on the topics of "Research and Development," "Self-employment," "Communication," "Sustainability & Environmental Engagement," "Information & Computer Science," as well as a thematically open World Cafe, speakers from various industries and walks of life will provide insights into their careers and professional fields and report on starting, changing, hurdles, opportunities, and challenges in everyday work. The doctoral candidates can ask questions in small groups and in this way sharpen their own career goals and plan concrete steps. In addition, there will be two round table discussions with experts on the topics "Academic career or why not?" and "Transition to the non-academic labor market". The event language is English.
Thursday, 27 January 2022 (Zoom), 17.00-18.30
Scholar Minds - Growing up in Science - Berlin
Dr. Bettina Bewernick, researcher at Universitätsklinikum Bonn, working on deep brain stimulation in treatment-resistant depression and dementia. She will talk about how she grew up doing research in the adjacent fields of psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience, how she simultaneously became a clinician/psychotherapist, and how she juggles research and her family.
We in Scholar Minds – Berlin are happy to announce our new monthly talk series Growing up in Science - Berlin. In every talk, we feature a scholar's story focusing on doubts, struggles, detours, and failures throughout all stages of his/her career. The primary goal is not to offer classical career advice but to examine in some depth and in the context of a broader narrative the hidden human factors of working in academia. To know more about the rationale behind Growing up in Science talks, please have a look at this article. We are looking forward to destigmatizing talking about struggling in academia and we are excited to see you involved in this discussion to create a healthier research environment.
Tuesday, 22 February 2022
Career Day 2022
Online career day for doctoral candidates of the Berlin University Alliance.
Entitled "New Horizons", the 10th Career Day for doctoral candidates will take place on February 22. The event is organized by doctoral candidates of the Berlin University Alliance. The goal of the Career Day is to bring doctoral candidates into contact with people who have been in professional life for years. In a total of six World Cafés on the topics of "Research and Development," "Self-employment," "Communication," "Sustainability & Environmental Engagement," "Information & Computer Science," as well as a thematically open World Cafe, speakers from various industries and walks of life will provide insights into their careers and professional fields and report on starting, changing, hurdles, opportunities, and challenges in everyday work. The doctoral candidates can ask questions in small groups and in this way sharpen their own career goals and plan concrete steps. In addition, there will be two round table discussions with experts on the topics "Academic career or why not?" and "Transition to the non-academic labor market". The event language is English.
13 December 2021, 15.00 – 16.00
Organized by WINS Adlershof
“Lessons learned in academia: Gender bias and diversity” (Zoom)
Dr. Arezoo Pooresmaeili (Göttingen)
Dr. Arezoo Pooresmaeili is Head of the Perception and Cognition group at the European Neuroscience Institute in Göttingen and a M&B postodctoral alumna. Organized by WINS = Women in Natural Sciences at Campus Adlershof, Humboldt-Universität
25 November 2021 (Zoom), 17.00-18.30
Scholar Minds - Growing up in Science - Berlin
Dr. Inga Grossmann, chief science officer at a digital venture built by the Boston Consulting Group DV. Formerly being a professor of psychology, she went back to the digital mental health business to have a greater impact on peoples' lives and wellbeing. She will talk about how effective altruism brought her as a scientist from university back to industry.
We in Scholar Minds – Berlin are happy to announce our new monthly talk series Growing up in Science - Berlin. In every talk, we feature a scholar's story focusing on doubts, struggles, detours, and failures throughout all stages of his/her career. The primary goal is not to offer classical career advice but to examine in some depth and in the context of a broader narrative the hidden human factors of working in academia. To know more about the rationale behind Growing up in Science talks, please have a look at this article. We are looking forward to destigmatizing talking about struggling in academia and we are excited to see you involved in this discussion to create a healthier research environment.
16 November 2021, 14.00–16.00 (on Zoom)
“Computer Says No: How Discrimination Can Creep Into AI” (Zoom)
Prof. Dr. Katharina Zweig (Algorithm Accountability Lab at TU Kaiserslautern)
This year’s METIS lecture “Computer Says No: How Discrimination Can Creep Into AI” will be delivered by Prof. Dr. Katharina Zweig. Professor Zweig heads the Algorithm Accountability Lab at TU Kaiserslautern, coordinates the new field of study "Socioinformatics" and has received several awards for her teaching and science communication. With her talk, Professor Zweig will lay a foundation for computer scientists, equal opportunities professionals, and anyone with an interest in gender equality to work together to fight discrimination.
The annual METIS Lecture showcases research and researchers who are significantly advancing the issue of equal opportunities in academia. M&B is a member of the METIS network:,
28 October 2021 (Zoom), 17.00-18.30
Scholar Minds - Growing up in Science - Berlin
Prof. Dr. Isabel Dziobek, professor at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her research focuses on the psychological and biological basis of social cognition. We are looking forward to learning about her career path from New York to Berlin, where she worked in many institutions, including Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
We in Scholar Minds – Berlin are happy to announce our new monthly talk series Growing up in Science - Berlin. In every talk, we feature a scholar's story focusing on doubts, struggles, detours, and failures throughout all stages of his/her career. The primary goal is not to offer classical career advice but to examine in some depth and in the context of a broader narrative the hidden human factors of working in academia. To know more about the rationale behind Growing up in Science talks, please have a look at this article. We are looking forward to destigmatizing talking about struggling in academia and we are excited to see you involved in this discussion to create a healthier research environment.
24 June 2021 (Zoom), 17.00-18.30
Scholar Minds - Growing up in Science - Berlin
Tegan Armarego-Marriott, associate editor in Nature Climate Change. Tegan completed her PhD and postdoctoral work at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, focusing on the biogenesis and activity of plant chloroplasts, particularly plastid development and plastid gene expression and regulation in plants. She is also passionate about science communication and co-hosts the blog/podcast Plants and Pipettes, where you can learn amazing facts about plants and other research-related topics! We are looking forward to hearing about her career path through Australia, Germany and UK, and from the lab to editorial work and science communication.
We in Scholar Minds – Berlin are happy to announce our new monthly talk series Growing up in Science - Berlin. In every talk, we feature a scholar's story focusing on doubts, struggles, detours, and failures throughout all stages of his/her career. The primary goal is not to offer classical career advice but to examine in some depth and in the context of a broader narrative the hidden human factors of working in academia. To know more about the rationale behind Growing up in Science talks, please have a look at this article. We are looking forward to destigmatizing talking about struggling in academia and we are excited to see you involved in this discussion to create a healthier research environment.
27 May 2021 (Zoom), 17.00-18.30
Scholar Minds - Growing up in Science - Berlin
Prof. Dr. Salvador Soto Faraco, head of the Multisensory Research Group at the Center of Brain and Cognition at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. His research focuses on multisensory integration, but also covers a wide range of topics from decision making to memory. We are looking forward to hearing about his career path across Spain, UK, and Canada.
We in Scholar Minds – Berlin are happy to announce our new monthly talk series Growing up in Science - Berlin. In every talk, we feature a scholar's story focusing on doubts, struggles, detours, and failures throughout all stages of his/her career. The primary goal is not to offer classical career advice but to examine in some depth and in the context of a broader narrative the hidden human factors of working in academia. To know more about the rationale behind Growing up in Science talks, please have a look at this article. We are looking forward to destigmatizing talking about struggling in academia and we are excited to see you involved in this discussion to create a healthier research environment.
26 May 2021, 14.00
Online Talk: DFG Funding Opportunities for Postdocs
Germany’s largest independent research funding organisation offers funding opportunities for all career stages between doctorate and professorship. Join our online talk and get to know the DFG and its funding portfolio for postdocs in Germany. We will give you a quick overview about the Walter Benjamin, the Emmy Noether and the Heisenberg Programme, as well as the Individual Research Grant with a temporary position for principal investigators. We will also provide advice on how to prepare your proposal and what happens once you submit it to the DFG.
Webex Event! DFG will provide the link for registering and entering the event some days prior to the event here:
10 May 2021
Career Maker Course
Dr. Simone Cardoso
Blended learning course
6 weeks for building and pursuing your personal career career vision
With two half-day kickoff sessions, 1 month online course and individual coaching session.
Organized by Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Cost to M&B/RTG: 525 € per person
29 April 2021 (Zoom), 17.00-18.30
Scholar Minds - Growing up in Science - Berlin
Dr. Nicolas Schuck. Berlin-grown, he returned as a group leader of the NeuroCode Research Group at the Max-Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin. We are looking forward to hearing about how he got into big magnets that help him understand the brain.
We in Scholar Minds – Berlin are happy to announce our new monthly talk series Growing up in Science - Berlin. In every talk, we feature a scholar's story focusing on doubts, struggles, detours, and failures throughout all stages of his/her career. The primary goal is not to offer classical career advice but to examine in some depth and in the context of a broader narrative the hidden human factors of working in academia. To know more about the rationale behind Growing up in Science talks, please have a look at this article. We are looking forward to destigmatizing talking about struggling in academia and we are excited to see you involved in this discussion to create a healthier research environment.
22/23 April 2021
Career Booster Course
Dr. Simone Cardoso
Online course for personal career development
Target Group: Academics who would like to learn tools for tackling career challenges and address specific individual questions.
With 2 half days in a group and individual booster session.
Organized by Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Cost to M&B/RTG: 350 € per person
20 April 2021
Career Prospects: Becoming a Professor
Online via Zoom
Organizers: Beuth Hochschule & Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Language: German; questions in English are welcome
16 April 2021
Women Power: Career Convention for Women
Hybrid event: Online and at Hannover Fair Grounds
Organiser: Deutsche Messe
Language: Please contact organisers for further information about the event language
Thanks to its hybrid format, WomenPower enables close exchange between business, industry, research, and politics while covering current topics such as the challenges of increasingly digital collaboration, organizational development, personal career development, and equal opportunity. The agenda focuses on preparation for the working world of the future. Never before have development and solidarity been more important, which is why WomenPower joins the best of analog and digital worlds for the benefit of all participants.
One highlight at WomenPower is the presentation of the Engineer Powerwoman Award, which recognizes an expert who has helped her company make significant progress in a technical area. The call for applications is open to companies and institutions in and outside of Germany, but limited to one nomination per company.
25 March 2021 (Zoom), 17.00-18.30
Scholar Minds - Growing up in Science - Berlin
Prof. Dr. Yee Lee Shing, Institute of Psychology at Goethe University Frankfurt. Prof. Shing is directing the Lifespan Cognitive and Brain Development (LISCO) lab and a member of the IDeA research center of the DIPF (Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education). We are very much looking forward to also hear her unofficial story about growing up in Malaysia, studying in the US, and becoming a professor in Germany.
We in Scholar Minds – Berlin are happy to announce our new monthly talk series Growing up in Science - Berlin. In every talk, we feature a scholar's story focusing on doubts, struggles, detours, and failures throughout all stages of his/her career. The primary goal is not to offer classical career advice but to examine in some depth and in the context of a broader narrative the hidden human factors of working in academia. To know more about the rationale behind Growing up in Science talks, please have a look at this article. We are looking forward to destigmatizing talking about struggling in academia and we are excited to see you involved in this discussion to create a healthier research environment.
18 March 2021, 17.00-18.30
Becoming Aware Through Mindfulness
Scholar Minds is a PhD initiative based in Berlin which focuses on mental health during the doctorate. Their mission is to help other PhD students to achieve a better mental health and work-life balance. Pursuing a doctorate is an exceptional time with great opportunities like investigating a phenomenon no one ever did before or discussing your research with new people from all over the world. But are you aware that this exceptional time also harbors exceptional dangers to your mental health? Are you aware that you as a PhD student are six times more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression? During the event, the team will raise participants' awareness on mental health struggles related to their doctorate and introduce a tool to become more resilient: mindfulness. Mindfulness is a simple meditation tool that can help you to increase mental well-being. With the team at this event is mindfulness expert Dr. Simon Guendelman (Berlin School of Mind and Brain) who will present the concept and latest findings from (neuroscientific) research.
23 February 2021
Career day 2021: “Discover new paths”
The event is organized by doctoral candidates from Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin as members of the Berlin University Alliance.
The aim of the Career Day is to bring doctoral candidates into contact with people who have been in professional life for years. In a total of nine World Cafés on the topics of "Innovation," "Public Sector," "Communication," "Research & Higher Education," "Non Profit," "Business & Industry," "Data Science," "Self Employment," and "Cultural Sector," speakers from various industries and walks of life will provide insights into their careers and professional fields and report on entry points, transitions, hurdles, opportunities, and challenges in everyday working life. The doctoral candidates can ask questions in small groups and in this way sharpen their own career goals and plan concrete steps. In addition, Amanda Wichert will speak on the topic of "The German job market for academics" and Dr. Sibel Vurgun on the topic of "Competence matrix". The event language is English.
Information and registration:
28 Januar 2021 (Zoom), 17.00-18.30
Scholar Minds - Growing up in Science - Berlin
Prof. Dr. Christoph Harms, Department of Experimental Neurology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
We in Scholar Minds – Berlin are happy to announce our new monthly talk series Growing up in Science - Berlin. In every talk, we feature a scholar's story focusing on doubts, struggles, detours, and failures throughout all stages of his/her career. The primary goal is not to offer classical career advice but to examine in some depth and in the context of a broader narrative the hidden human factors of working in academia. To know more about the rationale behind Growing up in Science talks, please have a look at this article. We are looking forward to destigmatizing talking about struggling in academia and we are excited to see you involved in this discussion to create a healthier research environment.
8 December 2020, 18.00-20.00
1st METIS Annual Lecture: Virginia Valian (Hunter, CUNY)
“Gender Equity: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” (ZOOM)
Virginia Valian is Distinguished Professor of Psychology at Hunter College - CUNY and is a member of the doctoral faculties of Psychology, Linguistics, and Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City and co-founder and director of Hunter's Gender Equity Project.
Abstract and further information:
Read more:
9–12 November 2020
Career Week for International Junior Researchers
TU Berlin’s digital Career Week
Register by 5 November!
This event, which is organized by the Alumni Program in cooperation with TU-DOC, aims at giving international PhD students and postdocs an insight into the diversity of academic and non-academic career prospects on the German labour market as well as information about requirements for non-EU nationals to work in Germany. The Career Week brings together international junior researchers and TU Berlin Alumni who have successfully established their career on the German job market.
Please refer to for detailed information about the program.
The event will be held in English.
18 Februar 2020, 9.00-18.00
Berlin University Alliance Career Day 2020
Program download pdf
The next Career Day for doctoral students will take place on 18 February 2020, for the first time under the umbrella of the Berlin University Alliance. The aim of the Career Day is to bring doctoral students into contact with people who have been in professional life for years. Doctoral students can ask the approximately 40 professionally experienced guests about their career paths and current activities. In this way, their own career goals can be sharpened and concrete steps for career planning can be initiated. This year there will be two lectures. After the welcoming address by the Vice President Research, Prof. Dr. Frensch, Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf will introduce the day with a talk on the topic of "Career Planning". After the lunch break, Dr. Eva Reichmann will talk about the topic "Application 4.0". There are 4 "World Cafes" in the morning and in the afternoon on the topics: Public Sector, International Career, Self Employment, Research & Higher Education, Sustainability, Communication, Business & Industry and Culture. A characteristic feature of the "World Cafe" method is that discussions take place in small groups.
Please register! The event language is English.
Venue: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
CANCELLED 1–2 October 2019
Promotion – und dann?
Profilentwicklung für den Arbeitsmarkt
Two-day workshop in German, 6 participants
Trainer: Dr. Anne Löchte
(for M&B doctoral candidates in their final year or
after completion of their doctorates)
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
1–2 October 2019 (Tuesday/Wednesday), 9.00–17.00
Doctoral Proposal Writing (in English)
Trainers: Dr. Judith Vey & Alexander Egeling
(for M&B Master's students and Travel Awardees only,
funded by the Einstein Doctoral Programme prize)
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
22–23 July 2019 (Monday/Tuesday), 9.00–17.00
Doctoral Proposal Writing (in English)
Trainers: Dr. Judith Vey & Alexander Egeling
(for M&B Master's students and Travel Awardees only,
funded by the Einstein Doctoral Programme prize)
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
29 June 2019 (Saturday), 9.00-17.00
Doctoral studies: Yes or No? (in English)
Trainers: Dr. Judith Vey & Alexander Egeling
(for M&B Master's students and Travel Awardees only,
funded by the Einstein Doctoral Programme prize)
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
5 June 2019 (Wednesday), 10.00–12.00 (note new date!)
Promotion - und dann?
Talk plus discussion in German, 10 places
Trainer: Dr. Anne Löchte
(5 places for first-year doctoral candidates of RTG 2386; 5 places for M&B doctoral candidates in their 1st or 2nd years)
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
13 April 2019 (Saturday), 9.00-17.00
Doctoral studies: Yes or No?
Trainers: Dr. Judith Vey & Alexander Egeling
(for M&B Master's students and Travel Awardees only,
funded by the Einstein Doctoral Programme prize)
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
2.-11. April 2019
Lost in Dissertation: von der Literaturverwaltung bis zur Publikation – eine Veranstaltungsreihe für Promovierende
Die sechs Einzeltermine finden Sie unter:
Die Veranstaltungen sind kostenfrei.
Um Anmeldung (siehe Termine) wird gebeten.
Venue: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz –
Haus Potsdamer Straße 33 (Simón-Bolívar-Saal)
10785 Berlin
28 February 2019 (Thursday), 9.00–16.00
Karriereplanung: Wirtschaft oder Wissenschaft?
Kurs WK001 der Beruflichen Weiterbildung der HU Berlin
Für Doktoranden der HU Berlin
19 February 2019 (Tuesday), 10.00–18.00
Career Day / Karrieretag 2019:
Sailing ahead – What your PhD can do for you
Dahlem Research School, Humboldt Graduate School, TU-Doc
Venue: Freie Universität Berlin, Henry-Ford-Bau
Garystraße 35, 14195 Berlin
Read more ...
31 January 2019
PhD Day at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Venue: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, main building
Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin
Read more ...
22–23 November 2018
M&B Alumni Conference 2018
Read more ...
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
13 March 2018
The Game of Power:
Empowerment Workshop for Women (Post)docs
Trainer: Marion Knaths
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
14-15 December 2017
Arbeitsgruppentreffen Postdoc-Netzwerk
Organisation: Dr. Anne Löchte
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
16-17 November 2017
7. UniWiND Arbeitsgruppentreffen (members only)
Außeruniversitäre Karrierewege für Promovierte - Die Sicht von Arbeitgebern
Koordination: Dr. Anne Löchte & Dr. Regina von Schmeling
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
23-24 October 2017
Introduction to the German Science Culture
Trainer: Dr. Matteo Garavoglia
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
4-5 October 2017, 9.00-17.00
Writing Lab for Research Proposals
Trainer: Dr. Judith Vey & Alexander Egeling
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
29 September 2017, 10.00-13.00 Uhr
Gruppencoaching zur beruflichen Orientierung & Profilbildung
Für Promovierende und PostdoktorandInnen
Leitung: Dr. Anne Löchte
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
11-12 September 2017
6. UniWiND Arbeitsgruppentreffen (members only)
Außeruniversitäre Karrierewege für Promovierte - Die Sicht von Arbeitgebern
Koordination: Dr. Anne Löchte & Dr. Regina von Schmeling
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
31 August - 1 September 2017
Grant Application Writing for Doctoral Applicants
Trainer: Dr. Christina Schütte (
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
14 July 2017, 10.00-13.00 Uhr
Gruppencoaching zur beruflichen Orientierung & Profilbildung
Für Promovierende und PostdoktorandInnen
Leitung: Dr. Anne Löchte
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
2 June 2017, 10.00-13.00
Gruppencoaching zur beruflichen Orientierung & Profilbildung
Für Promovierende und PostdoktorandInnen
Leitung: Dr. Anne Löchte
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
6–7 April 2017
5. UniWiND Arbeitsgruppentreffen (AG members only)
Außeruniversitäre Karrierewege für Promovierte - Die Sicht von Arbeitgebern
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Room 227
Koordination: Dr. Anne Löchte & Dr. Regina von Schmeling
2 March 2017, 16.00–17.30
Career Talk with M&B alumni Bianca van Kemenade (Marburg) and Florian Niefind (Berlin)
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Room 224, 1st floor
Followed by Alumni Talk Series, 18.30–20.30, with Emiliano Zaccarella (Leipzig) and Bianca van
Kemenade (Marburg)
28. February 2017
Karrierteag 2017
Read more (internal link)
17 January 2017
Empowerment Workshop: The Game of Power
Trainer: Marion Knaths (sheboss)
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
12–13 January 2017
Anders bewerben!
Berufliche Selbstvermarktung (Anschreiben – Lebenslauf – Bewerberstory) für Promovierende und PostdoktorandInnen
Trainer: Gerhard Winkler (
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
15 December 2016, 18.15–19.45
Networking and empowerment for women postdocs
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Besprechungsraum (1st Floor)
Moderators: Professor Rasha Abdel Rahman & Dr Anne Löchte
30 November (follow-up), 9.00–17.00
Grant Application Writing for Postdocs
Trainer: Dr. Christina Schütte (
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
17 November 2016, 18.15–19.45
Networking and empowerment for women postdocs
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Besprechungsraum (1st Floor)
Moderators: Rasha Abdel Rahman & Anne Löchte
23 September, 9.00–17.00
Grant Application Writing for Postdocs
Trainer: Dr. Christina Schütte (
Venue: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
5-6 September 2016
Career Planning and Navigation On Your Way To Professorship
Consultancy and Coaching for Postdocs
Date: 5 September 2016 (full day); individual coaching appointments on 6 September 2016
Venue: Humboldt Graduate School, Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
1 September 2016, 18.15–19.45
Networking and empowerment for women postdocs
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Besprechungsraum (1st Floor)
Moderators: Professor Rasha Abdel Rahman & Dr Anne Löchte
29-30 August 2016
3. UniWiND Arbeitsgruppentreffen:
„Außeruniversitäre Karrierewege für Promovierte - Die Sicht von Arbeitgebern“
Koordination: Dr. Anne Löchte & Dr. Regina von Schmeling
30 June 2016, 18.15–19.45
Networking and empowerment for female postdocs
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Besprechungsraum (1st floor)
Moderators: Professor Rasha Abdel Rahman & Dr Anne Löchte
You are a postdoc and interested in participating? Please contact us.
19 May 2016, 18.15–19.45
Networking and empowerment for female postdocs
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Besprechungsraum (1st floor)
Moderators: Professor Rasha Abdel Rahman & Dr Anne Löchte
You are a postdoc and interested in participating? Please contact us.
26 April 2016
“Auftakttreffen” Humboldt Graduate School One-to-One Mentoring
For more information please check the HGS website.
7 April 2016, 17.00–20.00 (!DIFFERENT TIME!)
Networking and empowerment for female postdocs
Input: “Strategische Karriereplanung” by Dr. Monika Klinkhammer (in German!)
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Besprechungsraum (1st Floor)
Moderators: Professor Rasha Abdel Rahman & Dr Anne Löchte
You are a postdoc and interested in participating? Please contact us.
15 March 2016
“Auftakttreffen” Humboldt Graduate School Peer Mentoring
For more information please check the HGS website
3 March 2016, 18.15-19.45
Networking and empowerment for female postdocs
Topic: My strenghts & talents
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Besprechungsraum (1st floor)
Moderators: Professor Rasha Abdel Rahman & Dr Anne Löchte
You are a postdoc and interested in participating? Please contact us.
25 February 2016 (tbc)
Career Talk: Dr. Sarah Gierhan, Gemeinnützige Hertie Stiftung
Sarah Gierhan (M&B Alumna, Cohort 2009–2012) introduces her career path and field of work.
Interested in participating? Please contact Anne Löchte.
23 February 2016
Career Day (internal link)
Humboldt Graduate School
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin
11 February 2016, 16.30–18.00
Karrierepfade und Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten für PostdoktorandInnen
Eine Informationsveranstaltung für (Post-)DoktorandInnen der Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Raum 144 (EG)
Referentin: Dr. Uta Hoffmann, Servicezentrum Forschung, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
27 January 2016 (group 1)
28 January 2016 (group 2)
The anatomy of your dream job
Group coaching for (post-)doctoral researchers of M&B
Coach: Dr. Anne Löchte
18–19 January 2016
Auftakttreffen der UniWiND-Arbeitsgruppe
Außeruniversitäre Karriereoptionen für Promovierte und Postdocs - Die Sicht von Arbeitgebern
Leitung: Dr. Regina von Schmeling & Dr. Anne Löchte
21 January 2016, 18.15–19.45
Networking and empowerment for female postdocs
Topic: “Plan B: Coaching & Science Management”
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Besprechungsraum (1st floor)
Moderators: Professor Rasha Abdel Rahman & Dr Anne Löchte
You are a postdoc and interested in participating? Please contact us.
9.–10. November 2015
Karriereentwicklung für (Post-)DoktorandInnen
Ein Workshop von und für BeraterInnen, ReferentInnen und KoordinatorInnen an Universitäten und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen
Weitere Informationen hier (interner Link)
26 November 2015, 18.00-19.30
Networking and empowerment for female postdocs
Group meeting
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Besprechungsraum (1st floor)
Moderators: Professor Rasha Abdel Rahman & Dr Anne Löchte
You are a postdoc and interested in participating? Please contact Anne Löchte.
15 October 2015, 18.00-19.30
Networking and empowerment for female postdocs
Group meeting
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Besprechungsraum (1st floor)
Moderators: Professor Rasha Abdel Rahman & Dr Anne Löchte
You are a postdoc and interested in participating? Please contact Anne Löchte.
24–25 September 2015
Alumni conference 2015
Read more (internal link)
10 September 2015, 18.00-19.30
Networking and empowerment for female postdocs
Group meeting
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Besprechungsraum (1st floor)
Moderators: Professor Rasha Abdel Rahman & Dr Anne Löchte
You are a postdoc and interested in participating? Please contact Anne Löchte.
23 July 2015, 18.00-19.30
Networking and empowerment for female postdocs
Group meeting
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin, Besprechungsraum (1st floor)
Moderators: Professor Rasha Abdel Rahman & Dr Anne Löchte
You are a postdoc and interested in participating? Please contact Anne Löchte.
18 June 2015, 18.00–19.30
Group meeting
Networking, exchange and empowerment for female postdocs
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin (room tba)
Moderators: Professor Rasha Abdel Rahman & Dr Anne Löchte
You are a female postdoc and interested in participating? Please contact Anne Löchte.
16–17 June 2015
Workshop und Coaching (in German!)
„Plan B – Alternativen zur Wissenschaftskarriere“
Trainer: Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf
Humboldt Graduate School, R. 224
Weiterlesen (download pdf)
26 March 2015
My career, reviewed
Topic: Career paths in academia
Guest: Professor Katja Crone (TU Dortmund), Postdoc at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain 2008–2012
23–24 February 2015
“Personalentwicklung für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs in Deutschland. Status Quo, Best Practice und Perspektiven”
Eine Tagung der Berlin School of Mind and Brain in Kooperation mit dem Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB).
Für Graduiertenschulen und Cluster der Exzellenzinitiative sowie Dachgraduiertenschulen.
Read more (internal link)
CANCELLED! 24 February 2015
Networking and exchange for female M&B postdocs
By invitation only!
Moderators: Professor Rasha Abdel Rahman & Dr Anne Löchte
Guest: Professor So Young Park (Universität Lübeck)
13 February 2015, 9.00–18.00
Humboldt Graduate School “Career Day” (in German)
Room: Festsaal
Read more (internal link)
30 January 2015
My career, reviewed
Topic: Alumni Careers
Guests: Dr Timo Stein (Postdoc, Center for Mind/Brain Sciences in Rovereto, Italy) & Dr Martin Hebart (Universitätsklinikum Eppendorf, Hamburg)
22 January 2015
Networking and exchange for female M&B postdocs
Moderators: Professor Rasha Abdel Rahman & Dr Anne Löchte
15 January 2015
“Time for a strong will, sweetheart – Learn how to drive a hard bargain and make purposeful decisions”
Seminar for female M&B doctoral candidates and postdoctoral fellows
Lecturer: Susanne Westphal, sheboss
10 November 2014
Frauen in die Wissenschaft - ein Programm für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen der Universität Leipzig (Transfergespräch und Erfahrungsaustausch)
Referentinnen: Jana Wünsch und Kathrin Schulze, Kooperationsstelle Wissenschaft und Arbeitswelt, Universität Leipzig
17 October 2014
My career, reviewed
Topic: University Careers
Guest: Faculty member Professor Rasha Abdel Rahman (HU Berlin)
24 June 2014
My career, reviewed
Topic: Alumni Careers
Guests: M&B Alumni Dr. Nikos Green (Postdoc FU Berlin & Spin-off founder) & Dr. Daniel Margulies (MPI Research Group Leader)
26 February 2014
Promotion - was nun? (Career day)
Humboldt Graduate School
30 January 2014
Spiele mit der Macht (one-day seminar for female doctoral candidates & postdocs)
Lecturer: Marion Knaths, sheboss
7 November 2013, 15.30–17.00
My career, reviewed
Topic: University Careers
Guests: Professor Katja Werheid (HU Berlin) & Professor Katja Liebal (FU Berlin)
27 September 2013, 15.00–16.30
My career, reveiwed
Topic: Coaching and Training
Guests: Alumni Dr. Jan Prause-Stamm (Trainer and Coach) & Tim Quester (Coach)
8–9 January 2013
Empowering Women (workshop for female doctoral candidates & postdocs)
Lecturers: Anke Domscheit-Berg, Andrea Weber
30 January 2013, 9.00-18.00
Career Day
Humboldt Graduate School
3 February 2012, 16.00–17.30
My career, reviewed
Topic: University Careers
Guests: Faculty members Professor Isabell Wartenburger and Dr. Felix Blankenburg
6 October 2011, 17.00–18.30
My career, reviewed
Topic: University Careers
Guests: Faculty members Professor Andrea Kühn (Charité) and Dr. Katharina von Kriegstein (MPI Leipzig)
17 May 2011
My career, reviewed
Topic: Alumni Careers
Guests: M&B Alumni Dr. So Young Park (Postdoc, Zurich), Dr. Ryszard Auksztulewicz (Postdoc, Berlin), Dr. Malte Engel (Trainer, Berlin)
17./18. Januar 2011
Gleichstellungspraxis in der Promotionsphase: Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und Exzellenzinitiative
Arbeitstagung für GeschäftsführerInnen/KoordinatorInnen sowie Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Exzellenz-Projekte
in Kooperation mit
Center of Excellence Women and Science (CEWS), Bonn
read more (internal link)
18 May 2010
My career, reviewed
Topic: Alumni Careers
Guests: Faculty members Professor Hauke Heekeren (FU Berlin) and Professor Niko Busch (Charité Berlin)