Career events, workshops/courses, opportunities
During the current period of the national excellence initiative (2018-2025), all courses and services offered by the Berlin member universities of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) will be open to all membes of these institutions.
Please note:
(1) Many courses will be free for you and at no cost to M&B. You can go ahead an book them.
(2) Some courses, though free for you, will have to be paid for by M&B and thus need to be approved beforehand by M&B. Please check with the course organizers whether costs will be incurred for M&B before booking your courses. For these courses you will have to get our go-ahead.
Direct links to the course offers of the BUA graduate centers (BUA also has a newsletter with events which we will forward to you):
Dahlem Research School, FU
TU Center for Junior Scholars
Humboldt Graduate School, HU, News and online offers
Humboldt Graduate School, HU, Transferable skills courses
Berlin University Alliance
General list of career-related courses (not all of them will be available at any one time):
- Annual career days
- Mentoring programs: one-on-one and peer mentoring
- Career development courses / opportunities
- Career coaching
- Plan B courses (careers outside the Academy)
- Career networking events
- Getting started on your PhD events / courses
- Transition funding
- University departments dedicated to professional continuing education (Berufliche Weiterbildung)
Upcoming career events
Thursday 20 June 2024
Berlin University Alliance (BUA) Postdoc Career Fair
Presentations for professional opportunities in the academy and research-related environments as well as alternative careers in industry and business. Keynote speeches, mini-workshops, CV checks and company exhbition stalls.
Venue: Humboldt Graduate School
Luisenstraße 56, Haus 1
10117 Berlin
From December 2023:
Career Perspectives - Talks with Doctoral Alumni
A group of Berlin graduate schools will offer Alumni career talks for doctoral candidates from the Natural and the Life Sciences in the Berlin metropolitan region.
Frequency: Once a month, every 2nd Thursday of the month at 17.00.
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Past and future talks:
Past career events?